Sairan no Ma, Akasaka Palace

Originally posted 2020-02-11 20:47:36.

Located directly above the entrance hall to the State Guest House and forming a pair with Asahi no Ma, Sairan no Ma was called the “Second Guest Room when the residence was originally built. The new appellation Sairan no Ma derives from its reliefs of a ran, a type of phoenix.

The name comes from the large mirrors on both sides of the large mirrors on the left and right, and on both sides of the fireplace made of rattan marble, which are designed as fictional birds called “ran”. The rooms are in unpeeled style, with white ceilings and walls decorated with embossed gilt plaster. And ten mirrors make the room look large. Three chandeliers, magnificent gold-leaf plaster relief, and ornate chairs and tables are set in the room. Patterns are embroidered on the red fabric of the chairs.

The area is about 160 square meters. This room can be used as a waiting room for first-time guests visiting for a courtesy visit, an audience with a guest of the banquet, a signing ceremony of a treaty or agreement, Used for interviews.


Mythical, Golden Birds
Exquisite relief embellishments in the form of birds with outspread wings are mounted above the great mirrors to the right and left, and on either side of the marble mantelpiece. These are mythical birds called ran, which the salon is now named for. The mythical bird known as the Ran, a variety of phoenix, spreading its wings wide. It shines golden, a gilded stucco relief.

Exquisite Gilded Reliefs
The salon is decorated in the Empire style, which swept Napoleonic France of the early 19th century. Martial motifs predominate in the ornate parcel-gilt alabaster reliefs, and includes Japanese elements such as a warrior in traditional armor. A gilded stucco relief of an armored warrior. The design is of the warrior is at center, with seated lions facing outwards on both sides.

Above the crystal fixtures, the chains are enlivened with red, yellow, and green ribbons. A chandelier in Sairan no Ma. A chandelier made primarily of crystal hangs from the ceiling.

Ceiling Reliefs
The vaulted ceiling is delineated into panels in a sunburst pattern, intended to evoke a military campaign tent. As with the wall relief of the sphinx, the design is thought to have been inspired by Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt. The ceiling in Sairan no Ma. There are stucco reliefs along an elliptical arch, with a pattern of lines radiating from its center, creating a design reminiscient of a tent.

Characteristic of the Empire style, the chairs are upholstered in a fabric of red ground with silver embroidery. The chairs and tables in Sairan no Ma. A pattern is embroidered on the red fabric portion of the chairs.

Empire-Style Furnishings
The pieces of furniture in the salon show strong symmetry and have lion feet, both characteristic of the style. Furniture in Sairan no Ma. Golden decorations have been applied to the mahogany.

Great Mirrors
The 10 mirrors hung on the walls serve to visually expand the room. The great mirror in Sairan no Ma. Gilded stucco reliefs ornament the area around the mirror. The chandelier and ceiling decorations can be seen reflected in the great mirror.

Japanese Sword and Saber
The relief embellishment on the mantelpiece include swords from both the West and the East. Decoration on the mantlepiece in Sairan no Ma. The decoration is a design of a Western-style helmet with a Japanese katana sword and a saber behind it.

Akasaka Palace
The State Guest Houses (Akasaka Palace) are national facilities to receive foreign dignitaries, such as monarchs, presidents and prime ministers, from countries all over the world. The SGH plays one of the key roles of diplomacy through performing a wide variety of functions, including accommodating foreign dignitaries and holding summit meetings, signing ceremonies or banquets.

The State Guest House, Akasaka Palace serves as a splendid stage of diplomatic activities by welcoming monarchs and presidents from countries all over the world. The State Guest House, Akasaka Palace was the only palace in Japan that was built based on the neo-Baroque style as Crown Prince’s Palace in 1909. It is a structure built by mobilizing all available resources of the Japanese architectural, art and craft industries in those days and represents the culmination of Japan’s full-scale modern Western architecture in the Meiji period. Japan returned to the international community a dozen years after World War II and the number of foreign dignitaries that it welcomes increased; given this, the facilities were extensively restored and remodeled along with the construction of a new Japanese Style Annex and made a fresh start as the current State Guest Houses in 1974.

After the massive repair work in 2009, the State Guest Houses was designated as a national treasure as one of the structures that represent Japanese architecture. The State Guest Houses has received a large number of distinguished guests, such as monarchs, presidents or prime ministers, and been used as a venue for international conferences, including summit meetings, as well.

In addition, it is open to the general public as long as its primary activities are not interrupted, thereby contributing to making Japan a tourism-oriented country.