Football Museum Sao Paulo, Brazil

Originally posted 2018-01-07 06:00:32.

Football Museum (Portuguese: Museu do Futebol São Paulo) is a space focused on the most different subjects involving the practice, history and curiosities of Brazilian and world football. The cultural space was built inside the Municipal Stadium Paulo Machado de Carvalho, the Pacaembu, in the Place Charles Miller, in the district of the same name, in the west zone of the city. The work was done in a consortium of the São Paulo City Hall with the state government and released to the public on September 29, 2008.

Located in an area of 6,900 m2 on the reverse of the stands at the main entrance of one of the oldest Brazilian stadiums, Estadio Municipal Paulo Machado de Carvalho – Pacaembu, the Football Museum was inaugurated on September 29, 2008 and is one of the museums most visited country.

The museum’s main purpose is to entertain visitors and bring them closer to the history of football. In it, the public has the opportunity to understand how a sport of English origin, practiced by white members of the elite, gradually became, from the adherence of mestizo and popular traits – as well as the Brazilian culture – a characteristic sport of Brazil .

The main exhibition, distributed in 15 theme rooms, tells an entertaining and interactive way, like football arrived in Brazil and became part of our history and our culture. It is a museum, therefore, open to the living of all public, lovers or not the most popular sport on the planet. The attention to visitors is a priority in the educational activities of the museum, which also designs and develops temporary and traveling exhibitions, and diverse cultural program.

The museum is fully accessible to the public by persons with disabilities and foreign, offering various resources, both physical accessibility (escalators, lifts, tactile flooring, wheelchair) and communicational accessibility (audio guide in English, Spanish and blind, models tactile sensory materials etc). In 2013, he inaugurated the Brazilian Football Reference Center, the first public library specializing in football in the country, with more than 3000 domestic and foreign securities.

Based on three essential pillars – emotion, fun and history – the museum tells the story of football from its inception to the present day. During the tour, in addition to guaranteeing interactivity with the public and lovers of football, the dynamic also seeks to explain aspects such as: the relationship between sport and art, the history of World Cups, the impact of football on people’s lives in general and not only those who are directly involved in the exercise of the profession.

Since its opening, the Football Museum is administered by the Social Organization of IDBrasil Culture Culture, Education and Sport (formerly the Institute of Brazilian Football Art – IFB), a private nonprofit organization that provides public service of community interest. Part of the funds made available for the administration of Football Museum comes from the state and part comes from funds raised by the entity (tickets, rentals, sponsorships etc.). This is an existing cultural facilities management model in São Paulo since 2005 and has shown positive results. In addition to ensuring quality service to the public, social organizations are oxygenating the State’s actions in the field of culture and ensuring a successful partnership between government and civil society.

Visitors have access, from sound and visual experiences, to a series of didactic and illustrative information that relates sports to the life of Brazilians in the twentieth century. In total, the display of images in videos lasts approximately six hours.

The OS has the function to maintain the equipment and tools necessary to carry out the contracted services, as well as the physical integrity of the building occupied by the museum. Also committed to generate actions and content consistent with the specifications of the institution that manages at the same time that discloses seeking to reach and give access to the largest possible number of pessoas.Desde the inauguration, the Football Museum is administered by the Social Organization IDBrasil culture culture, Education and Sport (formerly the Institute of Brazilian Football Art – IFB), a private nonprofit organization that provides public service of community interest. Part of the resources for the administration of Football Museum comes from the state and part comes from funds raised by the entity (tickets, rentals, sponsorships etc. ). This is an existing cultural facilities management model in São Paulo since 2005 and has shown positive results. In addition to ensuring quality service to the public, social organizations are oxygenating the State’s actions in the field of culture and ensuring a successful partnership between government and civil society.

The Football Museum’s mission is to investigate, preserve and communicate the football as a cultural expression in Brazil, in dialogue with all stakeholders, to instigate and inspire ideas and experiences from football.

It aims to be constant and global reference: the treatment of football as a heritage; accessibility; sustainability and respect for cultural diversity. It seeks to be a museum that dialogues with its stakeholders in the development of their actions.

For this, it has the values: DIALOGUE: promoting access and participation of all stakeholders, internal and external, respecting diversity; the SUSTAINABILITY: making efficient management of physical, human and financial resources; the Transparency: make public the processes, actions and results; the CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: continuous improvement in management processes; the DYNAMIC: be proactive in proposals and solutions for mission accomplishment; and EXCELLENCE: be relentless in pursuit of quality.

More than about a sport, The Football Museum is, above all, a museum about the history of Brazilian people. A museum surrounded by the mysteries of the euphoria that we all have for the ball, the dribbling and the goal. A mystery that unifies and separates like all the collective passions, where the joys are always greater than the sorrows.

The main exhibition of the Museum is an engaging and exciting journey through the history of football and Brazil. Fifteen rooms that occupy 6000 square meters and entice the visitor to experience feelings and understand why, in Brazil, football is more than a sport: it is our heritage, part of our culture and our identity.

In the entry, called Grande area , visitors will find a collection of reproductions of objects that allude to our affective memory with football: pins, buttons, banners, toys, stamps, figurines … the diversity of items brings the feeling go back in time and remember the room of our grandfather or childhood prank.

Going up the stairs leading to the first floor, the visitor receives the King Pelé welcome, the best – known soccer player on the planet. The room Hit the Ball takes look at children’s feet, after all, from an early age learn to play and enjoy football.

The room Baroque Angels creates the ethereal dimension of the idols who helped build the history of Brazilian football. 27 are honored as Julinho Botelho, Didi, Zagallo, Gilmar, and many others. Since 2015, an achievement: the inclusion of two great women: Martha and Ant, unparalleled in their achievements and records.

Following the Hall of Goals presents big plays that the visitor has the option to choose to watch. The Radio Hall celebrates the talkers and the means of communication that took football to the entire national territory, even in the 1930s This walk ends with a room of the Exaltation , soaking in the warmth of the fans that make football an exciting party. The environment is unique, wedged in the catacombs of the Pacaembu Stadium.

On the second floor, the exhibition presents its historical axis. A sequence of rooms presents the visitor as football arrived in Brazil and has become the main and most popular sport: the room Origins , photographs spanning from the late nineteenth century until the mid-1930s An exciting scenario that throws us to Brazil urban early twentieth century, when football was still an amateur and practiced in clubs, only by white elites. But, on the grounds of factories, streets and popular neighborhoods, the people, workers, poor and mixed, also entered the game and played seriously the right to be able to play football. Professionalization also marked the miscegenation of the sport that will become, decades later, the face of Brazil.

Less for women …. since 2015 the Football Museum presents, in this very room of Origins, as the female track has not had the same outcome than male. Women’s participation in the game practice also date from the late nineteenth century in European countries such as UK, France and Spain, and the early twentieth century in Brazil. Although here throw in different spaces of men as circuses, there are indications of a female presence increasingly growing, but brutally interrupted from 1941, when a decree of the dictatorial government Act of Getulio Vargas, forbids women to practice sports.

In the Hall of Heroes , the visitor understand how, in the 1930s and 1940s, sets up an idea of Brazil that launches the world what we would have more singular cultural and racial miscegenation present in music, visual arts, dance, cuisine and also in football. There are 20 personalities, among poets like Carlos Drummond de Andrade, artists like Tarsila do Amaral and intellectuals like Sergio Buarque and Gilberto Freyre. Leonidas da Silva and Domingos da Guia, black players who shone in the history of football, are honored.

The room Rite of Passage marks a turning point in the route. A dramatic pause to relive the trauma of defeat in 1950. In a packed Maracana Cup stadium built in less than two years to receive the first edition of the World Cup after the 2nd World War, Brazil wept to see the loss to the Uruguayans. Our football was never the same after that episode.

In World Cups of the room , the glories of the five championships won and participation in all of the twenty editions of the world ‘s biggest sporting spectacle. The failure and the shame of the “7×1” against Germany in 2014 is also there, to never forget that football has changed once again.

Pele and Garrincha mark the greatness of Brazilian football in the 1960s to 1970. Both have never lost a game when they played together. They styles and paths as diverse as bright and won a room dedicated to the joy of football art.

In Catwalk Broadcaster Pedro Luiz , paused to contemplate the charming neighborhood of Pacaembu, listed for its unique urban plan in the capital.

In Numbers and Curiosities room , lots of fun, with giant plates that have rules, records, funny phrases in football history. Five foosball tables, or geek, teach tactical schemes. The visitor can also be dazzled by the beautiful lawn of the stadium in sight visit to the stands.

The room Dance Football features beautiful film for anyone who loves recalling spectacular moves: Dribbling, Goals and Defenses. Channel 100, newsreel epoch by his way of filming the matches has also featured. And since 2015, three films have important achievements and struggles of women in football: Pioneer, Beautiful Game and Championships.

The last long-term exposure of the passage brings the room Body game , with play virtual soccer field and the Shootout, and the room Tribute to Pacaembu , a must for lovers of architecture and photography.

The Educational Program Football Museum aims to meet visitors, contributing to the construction of knowledge, awakening sensitivities, access, training and the inclusion of all stakeholders.

The staff of the Museum’s Education Center consists of professionals with multidisciplinary training that are responsible for the creation and development of recreational and educational resources aimed at dialogue with the public and mediation with the Football Museum’s collection. It offers reflections, awakening curiosities and assisting in the implementation of different languages in order to make the experience unique and enjoyable visitor. It is also responsible for functional awareness actions with the cleaning crews and security Museum and social inclusion projects.

The educational team designs and develops activities, games, dynamic, educational materials and projects. It also performs the reception and orientation of visitors in the exhibition, as well as offering educational tours to groups. The service capacity in educational visits for the year 2017 is 60 thousand people.

To visit The Football Museum is to go through the history of Brazil in the 20th century and see how our habits, customs and behaviors are inseparable from the trajectory of this sport. Football has the charm of opening our eyes to valuable issues of history.
This time capsule is installed in one of the most beautiful Brazilian stadiums, Paulo Machado de Carvalho Municipal Stadium – better known as Pacaembu – located across Charles Miller Square in Sao Paulo.

Get to know the spell of how an English elitist sport gradually gained new traits: it became Brazilian, popular, mixed and one of the most recognizable cultural manifestations of our country.

Initiative of the State Government and Sao Paulo City Hall – through the Municipal Secretary of Sports and Sao Paulo Tourism – with implementation by the Roberto Marinho Foundation. The Football Museum is part of the statewide network of Sao Paulo museums.