Bahraini art

Bahrain’s art, whether it be music, literature or architecture, is very similar to the art of other Gulf countries. This is due to the fact that Arab tribes from the territory of present Saudi Arabia, migrating to Bahrain and other regions of the Gulf, brought with them their traditions and customs, while maintaining a cultural community. After the country gained independence in 1971 and the subsequent economic boom, some forms of art, such as painting and music, received a new impetus for development.

The modern Bahraini art movement emerged in the 1950s, with the establishment of an Arts and Literature club in 1952. The club served as an umbrella group for professional and amateur artists, musicians, and actors in Bahrain. In 1956, the first art exhibition was held in the Bahraini capital, Manama. Expressionism and surrealism, as well as calligraphic art are the popular forms of art in the country. Abstract expressionism has gained popularity in recent decades.