Rumilly, Haute-Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Originally posted 2020-08-31 12:37:42.

Rumilly is a French commune located in the southwest part of the department of Haute-Savoie, located at the confluence of the Chéran and the Néphaz rivers. The city is naturally limited to the north, east and west by its two deeply steeped rivers, with cliffs almost everywhere steep. To the south, a vast peneplain extends beyond Albens. in region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Urban center of the historic region of Albanian and of the Rumilly Terre de Savoie community of communes, the commune had 15,379 inhabitants in 2017, making it the ninth city of the department.

The city seems to emerge ii th century BC. AD following the installation of a Roman colony called Romilia. Its location is strategic, protected by the deep rivers of the Chéran and the Néphaz, giving it importance in the Middle Ages, when the city became a point of support for the Counts of Geneva in the southern part of their territory, facing the county of Savoy and the towns of Albens and Aix. The city gets franchises during the xiii th century and maintains its market place in the small Albanian region, with the emergence of a dynamic bourgeoisie. Its economy is based in part on the agricultural activity of the region and evolves with the development of agrifood businesses. In addition, the city also sees the establishment of a small industrial activity. The city still strives to maintain its vocation as a commercial and industrial center for this part of the department.

Rumilly has a diversified heritage, traces of which can be observed in its archaeological museum or in the streets of the city through the architecture of the various buildings or more institutional buildings. Some benefit from a classification in the inventory of historical monuments. In addition, since 2007 the city has been a “gateway city” for the next twelve years of the Bauges massif regional natural park.

Located in the heart of the Albanian territory and its “bicycle routes”, halfway between the lakes of Annecy and Bourget, Rumilly is a town in the countryside of more than 16,000 inhabitants, rich in its quality of life and its dynamism.

A dynamism in which the city has long associated its development with internationally renowned industrial production companies such as Tefal – Groupe Seb (household appliances and home automation), Cereal Partners France Nestlé (food industry) or Vulli (toy industry, manufacturer of the famous Sophie la Girafe) and to a rich network of small and medium-sized enterprises developing in many fields. Techniwood, an industrial timber construction company, came more recently to expand the production techniques present in the region.

A dynamism of life with quality leisure activities (leisure center, karting circuit) and an abundant network of associations thanks to which “there is always something happening”. Entertainment, culture, sport, relaxation, heritage, Rumilly is a city with many facets whose diversity is reflected even in its architecture.

The name of the city of Rumilly dates back to Roman times but in the XI th century that develops the city that belongs to the counts of Geneva. Placed on the road leading from Geneva to Chambéry, Rumilly becomes a prosperous center of trade and commerce. The development of the pilgrimage to Notre-Dame de l’Aumône accentuates the richness of the city, which is structured by bridges, ramparts, bastions and castle.

Became the possession of the Dukes of Savoy in the early XV th century, the city is adorned with several of rumilly poster. In 1630, the city was besieged by the troops of Louis XIII but the Rumillians resisted. Legend has it that on May 23, 1630, Marshal Bassompierre appeared in front of the city walls to inform the besieged that the other Savoyard cities had capitulated. The replied “E capoe!”, Interjection which has become the city’s motto.

Rumilly is not only a fortified place, it is nonetheless a flourishing city. The attachment of Savoy to France in 1860 marked the beginning of the industrial period with the installation of factories and factories along the railway line inaugurated in 1865: fermentation of tobacco grown in Albanian, tanneries, agro-food (Compagnie Générale du Lait then Nestlé), toys (Vulli) and household equipment (Tefal).

Gateway city of the Bauges massif regional natural park since 2007, it has thus joined the network of gateway cities alongside Aix-les-Bains, Albertville, Chambéry, Ugine and Annecy.

Prehistory – Protohistory
Archeology has made it possible to attest, on the territory of the municipality, a Neolithic presence with the discovery of axes and a sword from the Bronze Age.

From the ii th century BC. AD, the legions of Rome seize Savoy. The Romans, quickly understanding the strategic importance of the site, established a roadhouse at the confluence of the Chéran and the Néphaz rivers and built a bridge there. Located on the Roman road Chambéry (Lemencum) in Seyssel (Condate) towards Geneva, the city of “Romillia” is developing. Several inscriptions remain from this period, some of which are in the town museum.

Middle Ages
The site is then occupied the v th century by the Burgundians, followed by the Franks in the vi th century. In the early Middle Ages, under the Empire of Charlemagne, the Sapaudia was divided into pagus; the ” pagus Genevensis ” which includes the pagus minor Albanensis or the Albanian and which takes Rumilly as its capital.

The city will be the x th century xiv th century an outpost of Geneva possessions against the County of Savoy controlled by the House of Savoy. Count of Geneva, to the xii th century, installs a vidomne to represent. This charge inherited from the Rumilly (Rumiliaco). The historian Pierre Duparc, specialist of the county of Geneva, proposes two hypotheses as to the origin of the bearers of the name, either the vidomnes took the name of the city, or it is a question of a”Former family, owner of the castle, which would have accepted the count’s charge of the fall”. The first mention of a member of this family bearing the quality of vidomme (vice domnus) is a certain Walter de Rumilly (Walterius de Rumiliaco vicedomnus), a charter around the year 1100. A second member was entrusted with this function in 1181, Willelme de Rumilly (Willelmus vicedominus de Rumiliaco).

Several personalities with this name appear as witnesses in proceedings at the end of the xi th century: Herman Rumilly, present at a donation made by Count Aymon Geneva (1080 v.); Étienne de Rumilly, guarantor or witness (Stephanus de Rumiliaco testis) in a concession made by Count Humbert III de Maurienne (1150)- Croisollet gives him as adviser to Count -; Aimon de Rumilly, with the same count; Ubold de Rumilly (1173), from the same count; the vidomne Willelme and his brother Amédée (1181); Raimond de Rumilly is hostage for Count Guillaume II of Geneva (Treaty of Desingy, 1219) or even Girod de Rumilly, damoiseau, in a transaction (1259). The city was fortified very early on and a fortified castle was built there. South of the city, a wide and deep ditch is dug. The city hosts a set priory under the name of St. Agatha in the early xii th century, godson of St. Peter’s Nantua.

In 1272, the vidommat of Rumilly passed to the de Villette family Thibaud de Villette pays tribute onSeptember 11thto the Bishop of Geneva. The city is then subservient to the Counts of Geneva. The August 4, 1291, Count Amédée II of Geneva confirms the franchises of the city, granted by William II of Geneva († 1252). Indeed, the act mentions the first franchises granted by Count William II of Geneva, before the year 1252.

The city belongs to the end of the xiv th century the prerogative of the Princess Margaret of Joinville, wife of Peter of Geneva. Following the Counts of Geneva, the Counts and then Dukes of Savoy completed the city’s defensive system. In 1417, Duke Amédée VIII of Savoy bought the city from Mathilde de Savoie. In September 1418, the Duke and his family as well as his court settled in Rumilly, he remained there until the middle of May 1419.

The March 27, 1448, a fire partially destroyed the city. It was also the municipal archives that disappeared in the flames. In 1488, construction of a first Grenette (hall) in place of the hospital antiquum. A new fire destroyed the city in 1514. The fire started during Corpus Christi.

In 1629-1630, she was struck by the plague. The use of quotation marks by local scholars and taken up by the authors of Histoire des communes savoyardes (1981) finds their origin less in actual military events than in “the historiography and the local ‘patriotic’ feeling to which it gave birth. “. Local historiography has thus maintained the memory of a violent siege, in particular through a popular song, ignoring the works of Jean-Louis Grillet, than the works of General Jacques Humbert – The French in Savoy under Louis XIII. A Great Forgotten Company (1960) – made it less legendary.

The May 14, 1630, the troops of King Louis XIII invaded the Duchy of Savoy. According to the legend invented by Joseph Béard in the song “La passenaille. Los capoés ”, Rumilly is said to have resisted an army of 20,000 men, in particular by blocking the locks of the city gates with a passenalye, a carrot in the Savoyard language, today the city’s emblem. The nickname of the Rumillians, the passenaillus, comes from this story.

The Marshal Bassompierre appears before the city to bathe the seat May 23, 1630and announces to them the capitulation of the other Savoyard cities. The population confident in its walls to be able to resist the French assault, would have rejected “with disdain” the offer of surrender. The besieged Rumillians answer ” E capoë / Et quapoé!” » (« And when then!> And still!> And then! »). This interjection has become the city’s motto. Legend has it that the Rumillians closed the gates of the city with a carrot (passenaillein Savoyard) and that the French troops would have brought a pig from Annecy to eat it.

This legend would come from the fact that one of the medieval siege weapons was called a sow. Faced with the refusal of the city council to give way, the King of France would have ordered the capture of the city and its destruction and the men of Marshal François de l’Hospital, Lord of Hallier then attacked the city entrenched behind its fortifications, which will last three days. At the time of taking the city three women in the city including a Bernardine, M of Peyssieux of Salagine, have rendered to the Marshal François de L’Hospitalto negotiate the sacking of the city and not its destruction. The nun, a distant relative of Marshal du Hallier, seems to move him by her words. The order to burn down the city was reportedly canceled and replaced with a hour looting.

The city and its citadel are not however of major strategic interest since being away from the road, however it could threaten the communications of French troops. TheMay 22, 1630, a representative of the city went to the French troops to express the desire not to want to “support a siege against the forces of His Majesty”. But when the French approached the city the next day, the governor of the place, Maurice de Brotty, ignoring the negotiation of the day before, refused any capitulation. In the end, two clans clash in the city over the decision to be made, the civilians in favor of a negotiation and the soldiers ready to resist. When the French troops organize themselves in the plain of Salagine to assault, the decision is taken and recorded in a notarial deed:

“Having considered the imperfection of the fortifications, the extent of the place and the few people there to defend it apart from the lack of muzzle ammunition, which they considered to be more the service of SA de to resort to the clemency of the King for the preservation of their persons and goods than to expose the whole and to lose it recklessly, protesting nevertheless to preserve the heart and affection to His said Highness… ” The troops surrender and the city suffers no damage . Only the citadel and the walls were dismantled.

Modern era
In 1690, during the 3 th French occupation of Savoy, the city of Rumilly opposes this time a resistance to the troops of Louis XIV, under the command of General Saint-Ruth. A dozen inhabitants are killed in the fighting ofAugust 15, 1690. In 1710, it was occupied by the Germans.

In 1741, work to divert the Dadon river which flowed through the current rue Girod and fed an old mill in the city center. In 1742, during the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748), Savoy was invaded by Spanish troops. A detachment presented itself in Rumilly but the guard of the Porte de Chambéry, Marcoz d’Ecle, a bourgeois of the city, refused them entry. Summoned to surrender his weapons, he would have replied: ” Are they tied up? ” (” Are they yours? “). He was killed on the spot.

The city had 2,273 inhabitants during the census of 1776 and was at that time an important commercial and spiritual center. She saw many religious congregations settling there: Capuchins in 1612, Bernardines in 1622, Oratorians in 1651.

Contemporary period
In 1793, it was promoted to the capital of the canton. The latter brought together 26 municipalities in 1799. This period was illustrated by Philibert Simond (1755-1794), guillotined during the Terror. In 1822, destruction of the very old mill on the Place de la Grenette and construction of a new wheat market according to the plans of the architect Ruphy.

In the years 1830-1840, away from the new Albens – Annecy road and the Caille bridge), inaugurated on July 11, 1839 the city is losing its importance. In the xix th century, the establishment of a station – closer to the town of Annecy – normal girls school (for the two departments of Savoie) from 1860 and the first industries give a new future in the rural village. The Albanian is then the breadbasket of Savoy, and an obligatory passage between Annecy and Chambéry. In 1869, construction of the current Grenette, inaugurated onSeptember 12 by a large banquet for 220 people. A tobacco factory is built and employs many workers.

Between November 1987 and July 1988, a secret gang of eight young Rumillians, including two adults, sowed terror in the city, like a local remake of the film Clockwork Orange. The band, hooded and armed, committed their misdeeds at night. She chose lonely and helpless people, outside or at home, to physically attack, torture and rob them. In a few months, they cause the death of three people and steal nearly 50,000 euros. In the fall of 2002, the Grenette underwent a major cleaning and a major restoration led by the sculptor Fernand Terrier.

Town planning

Development projects
A new gymnasium, the Monery gymnasium, faces the station. Residential developments are currently under construction and contribute to the enhancement and qualitative development of the city. The other major development concerns the old tobacco factory. This was partially destroyed to make way for a real estate project including in particular a residence for the elderly. A wing of the current building has however been preserved to accommodate the Tourist Office, the headquarters of the community of municipalities as well as the museum (until then installed in the other wing, promised to be destroyed).

The project was delayed, partly due to the economic situation. Work began at the end of 2009 and is currently underway. The new boulodrome, called Boulodrome Robert-Ramel, was built next to the gymnasium in Monery.

Little by little, the rural municipality has transformed by becoming urbanized. The city center is dynamic, it brings together 250 shops and artisans. Many supermarkets have been established, Intermarché, Bricomarché, Brico pro, Carrefour Market, Aldi, La Halle, Biocoop, Provenc’halle, Thiriet. A 4,800 m 2 Hyper U hypermarket with a 3,000 m 2 shopping arcade opened inSeptember 2006.


World pan capital
In 1961, the first Téfal stove came out of the Rumillian workshops. Since then, more than 1.5 billion have been made! The Seb group employs nearly 2,000 people at the Rumilly site. Proclaimed “the world capital of the stove”, it is not for nothing that a giant stove thrones at the entrance of the city!

Sophie, the friend of the little ones
Created in 1961, Sophie la Girafe, now known worldwide, is entirely made in Rumilly by the company Vulli. Did you know that Sophie sells as many in France each year as there are births, or around 820,000.

Gourmet Industry
Do you smell that delicious smell of chocolate and cereals that pervades the city? The famous Chocapic, Lion, Crunch are being manufactured at the Nestlé-CPF factory. Before them, in this same factory, the famous Lait Mont Blanc was made. Many other SMEs complete the industrial landscape of Rumilly.

At the heart of the Albanian employment pool, the city has a total of nearly 6,000 jobs. It has an important economic past: tanneries, tobacco factories and dairy industries (Lait Mont Blanc). The city had about 147 Rmistes in 2006. Employment is characterized by the preponderance of the secondary sector, a consequence of the presence of large companies (39.2% of the working population are manual workers, 17% are office workers, shops, category C of the civil service, 4% of executives).

Companies agglomeration
Rumilly lives almost exclusively from two large industrial groups: Tefal (2,147 employees) and CPF (Nestlé) (265 employees). Other companies include Vulli (49 employees), the maker of the famous Sophie la girafe toy.

A new industrial zone was created at the end of the 1990s, the Système U group set up a logistics platform there in 2005 (150 employees), the Austrian group Blum will set up its French headquarters there over 15,000 m 2. The Provencia distribution group and La Poste are also planning to set up a processing workshop and an interregional sorting platform there.

On January 10, 2008, the Salomon group announced the end of the manufacture of skis in Rumilly in Haute-Savoie, resulting in the elimination of 400 workstations including 284 in France (250 in Rumilly, 43 in Annecy). Over the past ten years, the global market for pairs of skis has shrunk by 30%. The Rumilly site already manufactured only 100,000 pairs of skis out of the 450,000 bearing the Salomon brand. This closure constitutes a deadweight loss of 1 million euros for the municipality, or 12% of the total amount of business tax. InOctober 2010, the Salomon site is sold to Techniwood, a company based in Lorraine specializing in timber frame houses, and the production lines opened in september 2011.

The City of Rumilly is one of the six gateway cities of the Bauges massif regional natural park with Aix-les-Bains, Albertville, Annecy, Chambéry and Ugine. The objective of the “Park / City-Gate” mission is to strengthen links and develop new partnerships with the agglomerations and towns that surround the Massif des Bauges.

The park has the “Geopark” label: recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the global network of Geoparks brings together around one hundred territories. Among the meeting places, the “upper town” assumes its modernity with the Quai des Arts and its adjoining forecourt at the Place d’Armes which invite you to stroll and chat whatever your age.

A stone’s throw away is the old town nestled between the deep rivers of the Chéran and the Néphaz, with the wheat market and its 16th century arcaded houses. Initiatives which has all the advantages of a city which has found the right balance between dynamism and quality of life.

In 2014, the town’s reception capacity, estimated by the Savoie Mont Blanc organization, was 761 tourist beds spread over 82 structures. Accommodation is distributed as follows: 18 furnished; a hotel and an outdoor hotel structure.

Historical heritage
The town has one monument listed in the inventory of historical monuments and no place is listed in the general inventory of cultural heritage. In addition, it has eight objects listed in the inventory of historical monuments and none listed in the general inventory of cultural heritage.

The town center
Surrounded by arcades typical of the towns of the Duchy of Savoy (1416-1860), the town hall square stretches out in a “square-street” profile.

A covered wheat hall or “granette” was built in 1822 but, having become too small, it was replaced by the current building in 1869. The granette is the symbol of the agricultural wealth of the Albanian nicknamed “the wheat granary. of Savoy ”.

The bridges
From the Edouard André bridge over the Néphaz, you can see the Montfort fortified house (1535) on the right bank. This vast residence, which was successively town hall then prison, has a characteristic structure with high walls overlooking the river and tiered gardens. The bridges, source of income through their tolls, and the mills have contributed to the wealth of Rumilly.

Coppet Bridge
Located between the towns of Sâles and Vallières, on the Fier river, this bridge dates from 1626. It is built of stone, with a single semicircular arch. Accessible to pedestrians and bicycles. Very pleasant bucolic site.

Abyss Bridge
Metal suspension bridge, built in 1887 by engineer Baudin. 64m long, located 96m above the Chéran, it connects Cusy to Gruffy and is part of a classified site. Bird’s eye view of the chaos of Chéran. Departure for hiking.

Parish church
Under the patronage of St. Agatha from the VII th century, only the steeple of the church is medieval (XII th). Rebuilt several times, notably in 1843 following an earthquake, the building with Sardinian neoclassical architecture presents a basilica plan with barrel vaulting on Tuscan columns. Laurent Baud’s frescoes are classified as a historical monument like the baptismal font and the organ playing.

The “tobacco factory”
It was actually a store and then a center for the fermentation of tobacco whose culture made the wealth of Albanians. Built in 1862 and used for a century, this vast ensemble formed a “U” around a square of which only the north wing remains today. This building, renovated in 2013, was renamed “the Manufacture” and now houses the Notre Histoire museum.

The Chapel of Alms
The priory of l’Aumône is mentioned in 1177. Its name comes from the free asylum granted for three days by the Benedictines to the destitute prevented from crossing the Chéran during the floods. A pilgrimage dedicated to the Virgin was organized from the 13th century, it became one of the busiest in Savoy.

The Charterhouse of Aillon
Walk through a remarkable building and discover the identity of the Bauges massif! Testimonials, videos and models reveal the personality of a territory classified as a Regional Natural Park and labeled UNESCO Global Geopark. In the restored remains of a monastery installed in the 12th century, the Maison du Patrimoine du Parc reveals the Bauges, rich in history and the identity of the massif today. On an audio-guided tour, on a route suitable for families or accompanied by a Savoie Mont Blanc Heritage Guide, you will understand the history of the former monastery of the Massif des Bauges mixed with local history and emblematic activities of the territory.

From ancient traces to today, the route commented by an audio guide offers an understanding of the emblematic economic activities, rural life, Part of the visit, including an open-air route, also takes you on the still visible traces of the ancient religious domain now dedicated to local heritage. To understand the life of the monastery in place from the 12th to the 18th century, its functioning and its essential role in the local economy.

Family trail “In search of the Carthusian Treasure”, this treasure hunt, specially designed for accompanied children aged 6 and over, takes you through the history of the territory. Unexpected encounters, games and quizzes punctuate your visit and will help you find the chest where the treasure is hidden.

Domaine and Château de Montrottier
Incarnation of the castle of the tales of your childhood, Montrottier invites you on a journey through time, fashions and cultures. Its rooms house a cabinet of curiosities presenting unique collections from all eras and cultures. In the gardens, a fun and interactive scenic route takes you to meet the former occupants of the premises: lookout, ambassador or noble lady…

Civil monuments
Old quarters with Renaissance houses, arcades and fountain on the Hôtel-de-Ville square.
Place Grenette: wheat market from 1820.
Former tobacco store. Partially destroyed and renovated.
Remarkable fountains:
Gooseneck fountain (1860) in place of the Hotel de Ville, replacing a fountain of xvii th century,
fountain of the patio of the town hall (1980),
fountain at Place de la Resistance (1980),
Fountain Under the church (2000) instead of a fountain of xix th century
fountain in front of the Post Office, the oldest,
Fountain of Descôtes family dating from the xviii th century and fed by the source of Montbornet,
wash house and fountain in the Chéran district,
Cattle pond on the Place d’Armes, the fountain of which has disappeared, replaced by water jets.

Religious monuments
Church of St. Agatha in neoclassical Sardinian style (1843), registered as a whole since 2009 at the ISMH.
Notre-Dame-de-l’Aumône chapel (banks of the Chéran)
Former convent of the Bernardines of Rumilly.

Missing places and monuments
Castle of Rumilly, probably dating from the x th century.
Priory of the Church of Saint Agatha.

Cultural heritage
The Rumilly museum, formerly the Albanian museum, which opened its doors on 1 st May 2013. Rumilly is the home of Joseph Béard, poet and doctor of the xix th century, to whom we owe the currency of Rumilly And Capoé? and the invention of the legend that goes with it.

Rumilly Museum
The museum takes a unique and contemporary approach to the history of the city and its territory. The collection route presents paintings, engravings, sculptures, handicrafts and industrial objects to understand Rumilly and its developments.

Shoe Repair Museum
In the heart of the old town, the museum reveals the different facets of an artisanal past that has marked the history of the village. Since the Middle Ages, Alby-sur-Chéran has experienced intense activity linked to the leather trades. For several centuries, the shoemaking became the main resource of the town and provided a living for a large part of its inhabitants. Nowadays, the Place du Trophée and its arcades under which the stalls were nestled, retain traces of this long artisanal tradition.

Fauna-Flora House
Aspace of discovery where the game punctuates your journey through the true nature of the Bauges massif. Interactive manipulations, models and videos to better understand the relationships between Man and the Nature of the territory. Shop, documentation Among the sixty manipulations and games, test your knowledge of the massif, play at differentiating between the animals and meet Tim who will give you the keys to the formation of today’s terrain. Documentary screenings are also available, à la carte. A shop is at your disposal, bringing together children’s articles, local products, books on local heritage, topographical guides, cards and postcards.

Museum of Counterfeit Money and Counterfeiters
100 m² dedicated to counterfeiting and counterfeit money through the centuries. Guided tours every day by reservation. Call before the visit. Groups welcome up to 12 people.

Workshop of Sculptor Robert Ramel
Discover the works of Robert Ramel (Sculptor 1929/1997). More than 150 sculptures are on display: sculptures on wood, stone, bronze, alabaster and other materials, as well as numerous drawings and portraits.

Museum of Nature
Privileged place of discovery of nature, the animals of the region and the bee, sentinel of the environment, aromatic and medicinal plants and biodiversity. Come admire and discover the life of more than 300 animals from our region, naturalized and placed back in their natural environment. Enter the world of the honey bee with our transparent beehive as well as the life of wild bees. Visit our garden of medicinal and honey plants. Then, take a walk in the natural garden and its orchard to discover the arrangements for biodiversity.

Events and festivities
In February: Fair of well-being and fulfillment.
The 1 st weekend in April: Habitat Days. Objective: to allow craftsmen from the local area to participate in a trade fair focusing on construction and renovation trades.
In May: festival of the first novel.
In June: Salon of amateur artists (20 th edition in 2010).
In August: Feast of the lake on August 15th (intercommunal games, ball…). end of August: stock exchange and exhibition of old vehicles, 23 rd edition in 2009, by the Auto-Retro club of the Albanian.
In September: second weekend of September: patronal feast (garage sale, fun fair, parade, fireworks…). Heating, Renewable Energy and Insulation Fair.
In October: the first Saturday in October: “balouria” festival of ancient crafts (basket maker, blacksmith, sawyer, shoemaker, sharpening, etc.) and local products (sausage, donut, bidoyon, matafan, butter of churn, etc.). Autumn fair and cheese fair. Wine and gastronomy fair.

Traditions and crafts
Cheese, beer, honey, fruits and vegetables… Taste and appreciate the richness of our territory. Our farmers offer you quality products. Visit their farm or stroll through the markets to taste them. Then, around our villages, open the doors of the workshops of our artists and craftsmen.

Local products
Traditional or unusual, discover the diversity of our local products. Savor our specialties from breeding, dairy production or orchards.

Artists and craftsmen
When passion and creation meet! Work with materials, colors… Visit the workshops-shops of our artists and artisans. Unique and original pieces await you: jewelry, hats, pottery, watercolors…

The restaurant “La Boîte à Sel”: a Michelin fork. Since 2006, a wine and gastronomy fair has been organized at the end of October.

Natural heritage
The town belongs to the regional natural park of the Bauges massif, which obtained inseptember 2011international label supported by UNESCO Geopark, becoming the 1 st game reserve (wildlife) and 3rd Geopark from France (87 th worldwide). This label rewards the park’s policy of promoting the geological wealth of the Bauges massif. In 2007, it also signed a commitment to become a city gate to the park for the following twelve years.

Panoramas and natural sites
Rumilly – Albanian, in Savoie Mont Blanc, it is also natural sites and grandiose views. Here, nature stretches out its arms to you: mountains and green plains, rivers with spectacular gorges, orchards and bucolic landscapes… Rumilly – Albanais is a territory with varied landscapes, punctuated by mountains with quiet curves and grandiose panoramas on the Alps. Between countryside and mountains, come and draw new energy. In particular, you will be able to discover one of the most remarkable natural sites in Savoie Mont Blanc, the Etangs de Crosagny.

As for landscapes and views, the Albanian country is not to be outdone: valleys, forests, rivers, gorges, view of Mont-Blanc and the surrounding Alpine massifs (Aravis, Bauges, etc.). The Tourist Office can provide you with information on the viewpoints accessible on foot or by car (Semnoz, Montagne des Princes, Croix de Chavanne, Val de Fier gorges and defile, Chambotte belvedere, Clergeon, etc.).

Green spaces
Plan d’eau des Pérouses, created in the 1980s, is fed by a water table. Bois de la Salle, 18 hectares located on the heights of the city, bought in 1972 from Baron Dianous de la Perrotine.

Activities and Leisure
The Rumilly-Albanais destination is the ideal base camp for many activities. And this in a preserved natural setting at the foot of the Alps.

Walks and hikes
In the forest, in the plains, in the mountains or by a river… Walking and hiking circuits will meet the desires for nature and great landscapes. Feel the call of the high mountains, Rumilly-Albanais being at the gateway to the Alps, you will reach the most beautiful Alpine massifs very quickly.

Bicycle tourism
Rumilly-Albanais is the ideal base camp for exploring the passes in the sector: Col du Clergeon, Col du Sapenay, Semnoz, Grand Colombier … Something to please the more athletic. Nearby, more accessible routes are also available to you, such as the ViaRhôna: a cycle route along the Rhône connecting Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea.

Mountain biking
Rumilly-Albanais, mountain biking for everyone, all year round. With our neighbors Lake Annecy and Aix les Bains – Riviera des Alpes, we have grouped our circuits within the Albanian MTB-FFC Site (labeled by the French Cycling Federation). To discover our circuits in complete safety, to improve your technique, or to rent equipment, go to the Maison du Vélo. Located at the Rumilly leisure center, its instructors will share their passion with you in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, you will find one of the most beautiful electric mountain bike parks in the sector.

In rivers or in water, we have everything you need! Prepare your canes… At your disposal: 200 km of rivers and streams, including the Fier and the Chéran. Labeled Wild Rivers, the Chéran is a “spot” recognized by fans of fly fishing. The lakes of Rumilly also offer you great fishing possibilities: carp, pike, trout… and a fish reservoir from October to April.

Horse riding
The marked trails of Rumilly-Albanais will be perfect for your horse rides ! Walking, trotting or galloping… Let yourself be seduced by the landscapes that surround you. Beginners or experienced riders, our service providers will meet your expectations.

Leisure center of the lake
18The leisure center on the lake holds an important and lasting place in the geographical balance of the town, and in the living environment of Rumillians. It offers residents and visitors a public space large enough to meet different aspirations, nature, leisure, sports.

Placed under the sign of conviviality and ecology, the leisure center of the lake offers a rich and varied relaxation area for all ages, all generations, over an area of approximately 43 hectares.

Walking paths and cycle path around two bodies of water and a hilly area (arboretum with orientation table), Sandy beach equipped and supervised swimming when the flag is hoisted. large areas of lawns, Picnic areas: barbecues and tables near the small lake, tables at the arboretum, Children’s play area.

A bookbox was made as part of the European Sustainable Development Week 2017 from recovered panels and local wood and offers a reading for beach users and walkers. The Quai des Arts media library monitors this. It is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Vitality area: three muscle strengthening devices are installed in the continuity of the path that passes in front of the book box. The “Transat” and the “Tripode” are part of a relaxation range. They allow a gentle activity made of stretching but also contractions of limited and specific muscle areas. Then, with the “Pedalo ski”, we move into the cardio range which mobilizes the person more since this device uses the muscles of the legs and buttocks. An achievement that we owe to the municipal youth council.

A footbridge spans the Chéran at the level of the small lake and allows you to reach Boussy near its village hall. It is suitable for people with reduced mobility.

Pontoons and fishing areas: predator fishing (trout, perch and pike), carp fishing with superb specimens of mirrors and communities, day and night, but also roaches, ruddles and tench: the offer fishing is varied! Bait fishing is prohibited from June 3 to August 31 inclusive.