Kashmir Walnut Wood Carving

Originally posted 2017-09-23 12:49:58.

Kashmir walnut wood carving is wood carving work that is manufactured in the Jammu & Kashmir state, India. Kashmir Walnut Wood grows high in the Kashmir valley akkarottu tree, carved engraving maraccetukkal is in the manual. Traditionally known as Nagas, wood carving artisans are involved. The acacia tree is light in weight, its fibrous structure is rope-like in structure, and its texture is characterized by special color patterns. This wood carving product is found in a wide variety of sizes, from small to large, such as jewelry boxes, tables, and shelves. SirinagarThe decorative style of the boat houses to stay in the area gives the animation of those designs.

The Juglans regia tree that grows widely in Kashmir region is used for wood carving, and Kashmir is one of a few places for availability of walnut trees. Walnut wood is used to make tables, jewelry boxes, trays, etc. Walnut carving is protected under the geographical indication (GI) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement. It is listed at item 182 as “Kashmir Walnut Wood Carving” of the GI Act 1999 of the Government of India with registration confirmed by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks.

Traditional Iranian wood carving was introduced to the people of Kashmir by the Persians and is now offered as Kashmir Akkarot wood carving. Persian carpenters have been involved in carving since the time of the King of Armenia. Indian nukka trees (Dalbergia sissoo) of their country, paluccicuttanattilum shortages prevailed, paracikattaivittup pulampeyarntanarintiya nukka trees produce charcoal used in such massive needs of the time, but there was no shortage. Archaeologists who migrated to Kashmir used acacia trees instead of the Indian nooka tree. Mughal rule in 1817As the fall began, the families of some carpenters began to move away from the valley. Others settled in Multan, Pakistan, and others in Saharanpur and some other places, such as Agra.

It is said that those who had trouble carving wood on the acacia tree went directly to the Saharanpur area.

The fa முகப்புade at the entrance to the New Delhi Assembly of George V of the United Kingdom is adorned with Kashmir acrobat carvings. Maharaja Pratap Singh was instrumental in introducing wood carving to important people and the royal family.

Acacia trees are also difficult to obtain. Its close texture, especially the texture, is well suited for detailed work and light polishing of surfaces.

Three parts of the acacia tree are used for production. These are the root, the base (stem), the branch. Used to make expensive products through the area extracted from the root. The branches are pale in color. These are used to make small boxes and boxes for large accessories. The trunk of the tree is colored and strong. With it are made film frames, grain seed bowl, fruit bowl, plates, wooden furniture and so on.

Four types of practices are found in wood carving. Those four are high, carved, internally cut, and equivalent. Although the inner cutting method requires more technique, the carved ones are the most popular. Equivalent surface is preferred in contemporary items such as plates, tables, bowls, cups etc. Kashmiri wood carving artisans prefer natural patterns. Thus common flowers like urosa, lotus, iris can be found in the wood carvings of them. Fruits are also commonly found on the branches.