From Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in ViennaFrom Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

From Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

This third and final section differs from the two previous ones in that the objects shown are both later-dated and…

2 weeks ago

The Viennese Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

Loos’ cultural modernism stood in stark contrast to the formal and stylistic Modernism of the Secession, and along with it,…

2 weeks ago

In Search of a Modern Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

The search for a modern Austrian style during the years between 1890 and 1900 went hand in hand with the…

2 weeks ago

Glass Collection of Renaissance Baroque Rococo, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

The Museum of Applied Arts's collection of lace, and its holdings of glassware—especially Venetian glass—are considered among the finest and…

2 weeks ago

Historicism Art Nouveau Collection, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

Although bentwood furniture was not a Viennese invention, the bentwood chair is still frequently referred to outside Austria as the…

2 weeks ago

Empire Style Biedermeier Collection, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

A heterogeneous mass of consumers arose during the first half of the nineteenth century, something never previously seen in Austrian…

2 weeks ago

Baroque Rococo Classicism Collection, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

18th century furniture art is represented in the collections of the MAK with excellent examples. The focus is on furniture…

2 weeks ago

Appearances Can Be Deceiving, Frida Kahlo Museum

We couldn't have found a better, more complete, or more timely muse to inspire us all. Her characteristic and hybrid…

2 weeks ago

Flipped image

A flipped image or reversed image, is a static or moving image that is generated by a mirror-reversal of an…

2 weeks ago

Faux painting

Faux painting or faux finishing are terms used to describe decorative paint finishes that replicate the appearance of materials such…

2 weeks ago