
Lower rooms, Sintra National PalaceLower rooms, Sintra National Palace

Lower rooms, Sintra National Palace

There is one on the ground floor arcade with four broken arches , surmounted by five windows maineladas and emoludramento…

1 week ago

Upper rooms, Sintra National Palace

The main elevation is organized in three bodies, the central of the palace being higher and retreated in relation to…

1 week ago

Robillion Pavilion, National Palace of Queluz

West wing, adjacent to the Ambassador's Room, added to the initial plan of the Palace by Jean-Baptiste Robillion, who replaces…

1 week ago

Private apartments, National Palace of Queluz

The private rooms of the palace are far smaller and more intimate than the formal state rooms and contain many…

1 week ago

The state apartments, National Palace of Queluz

The interior of the palace received no less attention to detail and design than the exterior. French artisans were employed…

1 week ago

‏‏‎Church of the Mother of God, National Tile Museum of Portugal

When visitors enter the Church of the Madre Deus Convent, they are amazed by the lavish decoration, which makes the…

1 week ago

Chapter House of the Mother of God Convent, National Tile Museum of Portugal

Everything points to the fact that this choir originally occupied a part of the primitive church, probably the main chapel…

1 week ago

Sacristy of the Mother of God Convent, National Tile Museum of Portugal

Decorated during the reign of D. João V, circa 1746, the sacristy has a limestone slab floor in various tones,…

1 week ago

High Choir of the Mother of God Convent, National Tile Museum of Portugal

The High Choir, where the nuns of the old convent used to convene, was also known as the "Treasure Room",…

1 week ago

Auditorium, Palais Garnier

The auditorium has a traditional Italian horseshoe shape and can seat 1,979. The stage is the largest in Europe and…

1 week ago