
Central rooms, Schönbrunn PalaceCentral rooms, Schönbrunn Palace

Central rooms, Schönbrunn Palace

The Great Gallery is the heart of the castle building, mainly used for festive receptions, balls and as a boardroom.…

4 weeks ago

Southeastern rooms, Schönbrunn Palace

The interiors of the castle not only served as the residence of the imperial family, but were also built for…

4 weeks ago

Eastern rooms, Schönbrunn Palace

The interiors of the castle not only served as the residence of the imperial family, but were also built for…

4 weeks ago

Northeast rooms, Schönbrunn Palace

The interiors of the castle not only served as the residence of the imperial family, but were also built for…

4 weeks ago

Collection of Furniture and Decorative Arts, Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Three rooms on the entry level of the Atlı Köşk mansion are preserved with the furnishings and objects of decorative…

2 months ago

Danish sculpture and Neoclassicism, Thorvaldsens Museum

Danish sculpture as a nationally recognized art form can be traced back to 1752 when Jacques Saly was commissioned to…

2 months ago

The Universal Church, Thorvaldsens Museum

The monumental statue of Christ, mortar from the masonry around Raphael’s grave in the Pantheon and the secretive Order of…

2 months ago

In praise of power, Thorvaldsens Museum

High politics and the art of propaganda were centre stage when Thorvaldsens Museum opened its doors to the exhibition In…

2 months ago

Halls of the west corridor, Uffizi Gallery

The west corridor houses other rooms that face directly. These rooms, after the opening of the new rooms on the…

2 months ago

Sixteenth century rooms, Uffizi Gallery

The rooms from 25 to 34 host the masterpieces of the sixteenth century. Room 25 Miguel Angel (Tondo Doni) and…

2 months ago