
Greater Sacristy, Seville CathedralGreater Sacristy, Seville Cathedral

Greater Sacristy, Seville Cathedral

The main sacristy of the cathedral of Seville is attached to the eighth chapel of the nave of the epistle.…

3 days ago

Royal Chapel, Seville Cathedral

The Royal Chapel serves as the main function of the cathedral. It consists of a square plan with an apse…

3 days ago

Central Nave, Seville Cathedral

The central nave houses two buildings: the Choir, flanked by large organs; and the Main Chapel surrounded by high bars.…

3 days ago

Gothic Palace, Royal Alcazar of Seville

Alfonso X ruled from 1252 to 1284 In the 13th century, Gothic was a common architectural style in Spain. King…

3 days ago

Palace of Pedro I, Royal Alcazar of Seville

The palace of Pedro I, also called the palace of King Don Pedro and the Mudéjar palace, is part of…

3 days ago

Rome Labyrinth, The Romanesque Art Collection, National Art Museum of Catalonia

The Romanesque Art Collection is one of the most important and emblematic of the Museum for its exceptional series of…

3 days ago

Sert Room, National Art Museum of Catalonia

Josep Maria Sert (1874-1945) was one of the most sought after muralist painters of his time. His mural painting assimilated…

3 days ago

Great Hall, National Palace Barcelona

Behind the lobby is the Grand Hall or Oval Hall, which due to its large size was intended for use…

3 days ago

Throne Room, National Palace Barcelona

This hall, also called the conference or conference room, is the one that was decorated with nobler materials; all its…

3 days ago

Basilica, Montserrat Abbey of Santa Maria

The basilica of Montserrat began construction in the 16th century and began to be completely rebuilt in the year 1811,…

3 days ago