Modern art

From Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in ViennaFrom Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

From Viennese Style to International Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

This third and final section differs from the two previous ones in that the objects shown are both later-dated and…

7 days ago

The Viennese Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

Loos’ cultural modernism stood in stark contrast to the formal and stylistic Modernism of the Secession, and along with it,…

7 days ago

In Search of a Modern Style, Vienna 1900, Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna

The search for a modern Austrian style during the years between 1890 and 1900 went hand in hand with the…

7 days ago

Belvedere. Landscapes and visions collection, Gallarate Art Museum

Belvedere. Landscapes and visions of Gallarate Art Museum’s collection is an exhibition coming from the museum’s collection, enriched and rethought…

1 week ago

David LaChapelle 1984-2013. Lima Contemporary Art Museum

There is something about David LaChapelle's photography that despite seeming strange, appears to be nonetheless familiar. In his most characteristic…

1 week ago

Pompei@Madre. Archaeological Matter: The Collections, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

The exhibition “Pompei@Madre. Materia Archeologica: Le Collezioni”, organized by the Madre museum in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii,…

1 week ago

Per_forming a collection. An Art Archive of Campania, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

Per_formare una collezione (“Per_forming a collection”) is the project (2013-in progress) devoted by the Madre to the gradual formation of…

1 week ago

Do you Work or Design? New Visual Communication 1980-2003, Design Museum of Barcelona

The Museu del Disseny de Barcelona is presenting an exhibition from 9 June entitled"Do you work or design? A new…

1 week ago

Shifting Grounds, Siapa Nama Kamu? Art in Singapore since the 19th Century, National Gallery Singapore

Shifting Grounds takes a historical overview of the significant shifts in art practice in Singapore from the 1970s to 2000s.…

1 week ago

New Languages, Siapa Nama Kamu? Art in Singapore since the 19th Century, National Gallery Singapore

The exhibition “Siapa Nama Kamu?” opens with a meticulous exploration of those Western artistic influences that first informed Singapore’s contemporary…

1 week ago