
Indo-Islamic architectureIndo-Islamic architecture

Indo-Islamic architecture

Indo-Islamic architecture is the architecture of the Indian subcontinent produced for Islamic patrons and purposes. Despite an earlier Muslim presence…

1 month ago

Inca architecture

Incan architecture is the most significant pre-Columbian architecture in South America. The Incas inherited an architectural legacy from Tiwanaku, founded…

1 month ago

History and influences of Gothic architecture

Gothic architecture is an architectural style that flourished in Europe during the High and Late Middle Ages. It evolved from…

1 month ago

Gorga art

Gorga is a form of artistic decoration found in the culture of Batak Toba in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The gorga…

1 month ago


Dancheong (Korean: 단청) refers to Korean traditional decorative coloring on wooden buildings and artifacts for the purpose of style. It…

1 month ago

Influence of Byzantine architecture

Byzantine architecture is the architecture of the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Later Roman or Eastern Roman Empire. Byzantine…

1 month ago

Byzantine architecture

It is called Byzantine architecture to the architectural style that was in force during the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire)…

1 month ago

Bava Pyara caves

Bava Pyara caves (also known as Baba Pyara caves) are an example of ancient man-made caverns. The caves are a…

1 month ago

Batak architecture

Batak architecture refers to the related architectural traditions and designs of the various Batak peoples of North Sumatra, Indonesia. There…

1 month ago


An archivolt (or voussure) is an ornamental molding or band following the curve on the underside of an arch. It…

1 month ago