
Men’s fashion in 1890sMen’s fashion in 1890s

Men’s fashion in 1890s

Men's fashion in the 1890s, The overall silhouette of the 1890s was long, lean, and athletic. Hair was generally worn…

4 weeks ago

Western fashion history 1890s

Fashion in the 1890s in European and European-influenced countries is characterized by long elegant lines, tall collars, and the rise…

4 weeks ago

Rational fashion of women 1880s

Women Fashion in the 1880s is characterized by the return of the bustle. The long, lean line of the late…

4 weeks ago

Western fashion history 1880s

Fashion in the 1880s in Western and Western-influenced countries is characterized by the return of the bustle. The long, lean…

4 weeks ago

Impressionist fashion of women 1870s

Women's fashion in 1870s, the style of this period is called impressionist fashion. Women's clothing from this time is often…

1 month ago

Men’s fashion in 1870s

Innovations in men's fashion of the 1870s included the acceptance of patterned or figured fabrics for shirts and the general…

1 month ago

Western fashion history 1870s

1870s fashion in European and European-influenced clothing is characterized by a gradual return to a narrow silhouette after the full-skirted…

1 month ago

Second Empire style fashion of women 1860s

Women's fashion in 1860s is characterized by extremely full-skirted women's fashions relying on crinolines and hoops and the emergence of…

1 month ago

Men’s fashion in 1860s

Men's fashion of the 1860s remained much the same as in the previous decade. From 1860 onwards, the men's costume…

1 month ago

Western fashion history 1860s

1860s fashion in European and European-influenced clothing is characterized by extremely full-skirted women's fashions relying on crinolines and hoops and…

1 month ago