Bookstore tourismBookstore tourism

Bookstore tourism

Bookstore tourism is a type of cultural tourism that promotes independent bookstores as a group travel destination. It started as…

3 weeks ago

Archaeological tourism

Archaeotourism or Archaeological tourism is a form of cultural tourism, which aims to promote public interest in archaeology and the…

3 weeks ago


Enotourism, oenotourism, wine tourism, or vinitourism refers to tourism whose purpose is or includes the tasting, consumption or purchase of…

3 weeks ago

Culinary tourism

Culinary tourism or food tourism is the exploration of food as the purpose of tourism. It is now considered a…

3 weeks ago

Business tourism

Business tourism or business travel is a more limited and focused subset of regular tourism. During business tourism (traveling), individuals…

3 weeks ago

Birth tourism

Birth tourism is travel to another country for the purpose of giving birth in that country. "Anchor baby" is another…

3 weeks ago

Atomic tourism guide

Atomic tourism is a relatively new type of tourism in which visitors learn about the Atomic Age by traveling to…

3 weeks ago

Nuclear tourism

Nuclear tourism is travel to places connected with nuclear research and technology, places where there have been atomic explosions, or…

3 weeks ago

Alternative tourism

Alternative tourism combines tourist products or individual tourist services, different from mass tourism by means of supply, organization and the…

3 weeks ago


Wanderlust is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. Etymology The first documented…

3 weeks ago