
Totalitarian architectureTotalitarian architecture

Totalitarian architecture

Totalitarian architecture refers to the type of architecture created by totalitarian states. It is typically designed to be imposing and…

1 month ago

Sydney School

The Sydney School, also the Nuts and Berries style, refers to an architectural style by a group of architects in…

1 month ago


Świdermajer is a distinct Polish architectural style developed in late 19th and early 20th century in Masovia along the railroad…

1 month ago

Swahili architecture

Swahili architecture is a term used today to designate a whole range of diverse building traditions practiced or once practiced…

1 month ago

Sudano-Sahelian architecture

Sudano-Sahelian architecture refers to a range of similar indigenous architectural styles common to the African peoples of the Sahel and…

1 month ago

Spanish Colonial architecture

Spanish Colonial architecture represents Spanish colonial influence on New World and East Indies cities and towns, and it is still…

1 month ago

Spa architecture

Spa architecture (German: Kurarchitektur) is the name given to buildings that provide facilities for relaxation, recuperation and health treatment in…

1 month ago


Sondergotik (Special Gothic) is the style of Late Gothic architecture prevalent in Austria, Bavaria, Saxony and Bohemia between 1350 and…

1 month ago

Soft Portuguese style

The Soft Portuguese style (Portuguese: Estilo Português Suave) is an architectural model used in public and private buildings in Portugal,…

1 month ago

Sod house

The sod house or "soddy" was a successor to the log cabin during frontier settlement of Canada and the United…

1 month ago