15th and 16th centuries, National Tile Museum of Portugal15th and 16th centuries, National Tile Museum of Portugal

15th and 16th centuries, National Tile Museum of Portugal

Glazed mosaic pavements have been used in Portugal since the 13th century. They were made of plain coloured geometric pieces,…

1 week ago

High Choir of the Mother of God Convent, National Tile Museum of Portugal

The High Choir, where the nuns of the old convent used to convene, was also known as the "Treasure Room",…

1 week ago

Room of the Praia Palace, National Tile Museum of Portugal

The set of six, two larger and six smaller panels came from the long-gone Praia Palace in Belém, Lisbon. They…

1 week ago

Neoclassical and Art Nouveau, National Tile Museum of Portugal

The assimilation, both in azulejos and in three-dimensional ceramic ware, of the formal and technical values of the Neoclassical style…

1 week ago

Ceramics and Urban Art, National Tile Museum of Portugal

From the mid-20th century onwards the history of azulejos is difficult to characterise given the multiple languages and proposals it…

1 week ago

Big Panorama of Lisbon, National Tile Museum of Portugal

Grande Panorama de Lisboa, discover Lisbon before the 1755 earthquake. An entire city portrayed for eternity in this magnificent painting…

1 week ago

Botanical Garden, 360° Video, Inhotim Institute

Inhotim's gardens are unique, with rare beauty and landscaping that exploits all the aesthetic possibilities of the botanical collection. In…

1 week ago

The Winter Garden, 360° Video, The Space Birmingham

The Winter Garden, a 360° micro documentary (Assemble Studios / Rob Vincent / Granby Four Streets). Shot and edited over…

1 week ago

Live Uncertainty, 32nd São Paulo Biennial

The title of the 32nd Bienal de São Paulo, Incerteza Viva (Live Uncertainty), proposes to look at notions of uncertainty…

1 week ago

Mosaic of the planetarium, 360° Video, Italica

Planetarium House's construction begins at the time of Adriano (117-138) and undergoes various reforms in late Roman times, highlighting among…

1 week ago