Category Archives: Theme

Art, Adornment, Design and Technology in the Time of Slavery, Afro Brasil Museum

Originally posted 2020-03-24 19:05:07. The exhibition “Art, Adornment, Design and Technology in the Time of Slavery”, celebrate Black Awareness Day that year, the exhibition brings together more than 70 objects from urban and rural crafts, composing a set that highlights the contributions of blacks to science and technology in Brazil.…

Multiple Looks over Five Cities, Bank of Brazil Cultural Center in Belo Horizonte

Originally posted 2020-03-23 21:25:42. The exhibition “Multiple Looks over Five Cities”, four talented plastic artists with diverse styles, created 63 works depicting landscapes and significant points that best characterize five of the most important Brazilian cities : Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasília. It is another…

Resistance is necessary, Bank of Brazil Cultural Center in Belo Horizonte

Originally posted 2020-03-23 20:47:53. The exhibition “Resistance is necessary…”, allows young people to better understand the struggles for democratic reconstruction that occurred in the 1960s and 1980s, including the different currents of opposition to the military regime. The performance of the press in hiding, in exile and in newsstands is…

Plants of Central Brazil – Historical rescue and virtual herbarium by Auguste Glaziou, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 21:27:36. The exhibition “Plantas do Brasil Central – Historical rescue and virtual herbarium by Auguste Glaziou”, is focused on cultural and scientific dissemination, operating at the interface of memory and scientific production. Promoted by the Herbarium and the Department of Botany of the National Museum / UFRJ,…

Shells, Corals, Butterflies, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 20:18:10. The exhibition “Shells, corals, butterflies”, with a space of 350 square meters, about 2 thousand invertebrates. The revitalization project of the exhibition aimed to preserve and disseminate the collections and processes linked to recent research in the areas of Entomology (science that studies insects) and Invertebrates,…

African and Afro-Brazilian ethnology, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 11:13:49. The collection of African and Afro-Brazilian ethnologyof the National Museum was made up of approximately 700 objects. It encompassed both specimens produced by people from different regions of the African continent and testimonies of the cultural manifestations of the descendants of African peoples in Brazil. The…

Mediterranean cultures, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 08:13:59. The National Museum’s classic archeology collection consisted of approximately 750 pieces, mostly covering the Greek, Roman, Etruscan and Italian civilizations, the largest of its kind in Latin America. Much of this collection corresponded to the Greco-Roman collection of Empress Teresa Cristina, interested in archeology since her…

Pre-columbian Archeology, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 07:47:52. The National Museum conserved an important set of approximately 1,800 artifacts produced by Amerindian civilizations during the pre-Columbian era, in addition to Andean mummies. Formed over the 19th century, this collection had its origins in the collections of the Brazilian imperial family, especially in the Pedro…