Grotto Gallery and The Gardens, Royal Alcazar of SevilleGrotto Gallery and The Gardens, Royal Alcazar of Seville

Grotto Gallery and The Gardens, Royal Alcazar of Seville

Grotto Gallery located between the large and small royal garden, this route can overlook the landscape and layout of the…

5 days ago

Modern Art Collection Part 4, Art and Civil War, National Art Museum of Catalonia

General Franco’s coup against the legitimate government of the Spanish Republic on 18 July 1936 marked the start of a…

5 days ago

Modern Art Collection Part 3, Noucentisme, National Art Museum of Catalonia

By the first years of the 20th century, various cultural and artistic sectors all over Europe were reacting against the…

5 days ago

Modern Art Collection Part 2, Modernism, National Art Museum of Catalonia

As the stage for bourgeois power and the class struggle, the city in turmoil at the turn of the century…

5 days ago

Modern Art Collection Part 1, The Rise of the Modern Artist, National Art Museum of Catalonia

In the mid-19th century, at the same time as bourgeois society was taking shape, the figure of the modern artist…

5 days ago

Modernist Interior Collection, National Art Museum of Catalonia

Modernisme is, within the Catalan artistic context, the movement that in France is known as Art Nouveau, in Germany as…

5 days ago

Modern Art Collection, National Art Museum of Catalonia

The National Art Museum of Catalonia's Modern Art Collection was created from the Universal Exhibition of 1888, at which time…

5 days ago

Numismatic Collection, National Art Museum of Catalonia

The Numismatic Cabinet of Catalonia, created in 1932, has a collection of over 134,000 copies. The fund is the result…

5 days ago

The Cambó legacy, National Art Museum of Catalonia

The Cambó legacy is a collection of paintings with their own identity that embraces the history of European painting from…

5 days ago

Renaissance and Baroque Art Collection, National Art Museum of Catalonia

The Renaissance and Baroque Art Collection is a valuable heritage that - unlike the great national museums in Europe, which…

5 days ago