Miguel Rio Branco Gallery, Inhotim InstituteMiguel Rio Branco Gallery, Inhotim Institute

Miguel Rio Branco Gallery, Inhotim Institute

Result of a long collaboration process between Inhotim and the artist, the Pavilhão Miguel Rio Branco was built in the…

6 days ago

BONE Exhibition-appeal to Rafael Braga’s broad right of defense, Tomie Ohtake Institute

Faced with urgent humanitarian issues, the Tomie Ohtake Institute offers itself as a platform for the realization of a unique…

6 days ago

Asger Jorn: A Challenge to the Light, Tomie Ohtake Institute

The exhibition, "A Challenge to the Light", was taken from the preface to a book by René Renne and Claude…

6 days ago

Paulo Bruscky: Bank of Ideas, Tomie Ohtake Institute

The exhibition "Paulo Bruscky: Bank of Ideas", discusses the process of the artistic creation of Paul Bruscky from the insistent…

6 days ago

Thom Mayne’s Combinatorial Form Morphosis, Tomie Ohtake Institute

Modern buildings with sculptural forms arethe projects signed by the American architect Thom Mayne, partner and director of the Morphosis…

6 days ago

Engravings and sculptures experiments, Tomie Ohtake Institute

In more than 60 years of production, Tomie Ohtake conceived a remarkable set of works and ventured through different languages,…

6 days ago

The many and the one, Tomie Ohtake Institute

The title "The many and the one" guides the foundation of this first exhibition organized from one of the largest…

6 days ago

Collections of Brazil: History, Culture and Citizenship, Bank of Brazil Museum in Brasili

Bank of Brazil Museum in Brasilia the history of the country through a collection acquired throughout its history. Located in…

6 days ago

Long term Exhibitions, Afro Brasil Museum

The Permanent exhibition encompasses several facets of the African and Afro-Brazilian cultural universes, addressing themes such as religion, work, art,…

6 days ago

São Paulo 461 – Stories and Memories of a Metropolis, Afro Brasil Museum

On the 461th anniversary of São Paulo, the Afro Brasil Museum, an institution of the State Secretariat of Culture of…

6 days ago