The world of stored specimens, Hokkaido University MuseumThe world of stored specimens, Hokkaido University Museum

The world of stored specimens, Hokkaido University Museum

Hokkaido University has accumulated over 4 million specimens and materials in the long history since the days of Sapporo Agricultural…

1 week ago

Academic theme exhibition, Hokkaido University Museum

Academic theme exhibition introduce the present-day face of Hokkaido University. The section titled “HU: Rising to the Challenge” focuses on…

1 week ago

Dialogue of History, Hokkaido University Museum

The history of Hokkaido University dates back to 1876, with the founding of Sapporo Agricultural College. Subsequently known as the…

1 week ago

First floor, Museum of the Shots of Granada

The great hall of this imperious house, whose ceilings are frescoed between beam and beam reproducing the struggle between good…

1 week ago

Second floor, Museum of the Shots of Granada

The rooms are dedicated to the development of a graphic museum of the history of Granada, very much in line…

1 week ago

Costumes and vehicles collection, Mofilm museum

In several halls of the Mofilm museum, the elements of various scenery are collected - the old Copenhagen from the…

1 week ago

The Old Moscow Scenery, Mosfilm

Old Moscow Scenery was built in 2003 specifically for the shooting of the Karen Shakhnazarov's film " Vsadnik po imeni…

1 week ago

Frida Kahlo: I Portray Myself, Dolores Olmedo Museum

This exhibit is an invitation to identify Frida the painter, beyond the iconic figure, understand the path that lead her…

1 week ago

Entrance Hall and Grand Staircase, Akasaka Palace

Beyond the lofty ironwork door is the entrance hall, with black and white checkerboard floor overlaid with red carpet. The…

1 week ago

Sairan no Ma, Akasaka Palace

Located directly above the entrance hall to the State Guest House and forming a pair with Asahi no Ma, Sairan…

1 week ago