Ground floor, Poldi Pezzoli MuseumGround floor, Poldi Pezzoli Museum

Ground floor, Poldi Pezzoli Museum

The building that houses the museum dates back to the 17th century, and had been purchased by Giuseppe Pezzoli, ancestor…

1 week ago

The collector and his collection, Lázaro Galdiano Museum

The collector and the collection on the Ground Floor. Part of the collections that Don José Lázaro Galdiano donated to…

1 week ago

Spanish Art Collection, Lázaro Galdiano Museum

Spanish Art on the First Floor, where a selection of works of art from our country (both paintings, sculptures and…

1 week ago

European Art Collection, Lázaro Galdiano Museum

European Art on the Second Floor, a theme that complements the one already seen on the first floor, dedicated to…

1 week ago

The Collector’s Cabinet, Lázaro Galdiano Museum

The collector's cabinet on the third floor, in which coins, textiles, weapons, medals, ivories, enamels are exhibited... In short, and…

1 week ago

Conservators’ Apartment, Capitoline Museums

The rooms making up the apartment on the first floor of the Palazzo, were used by the Conservators, or magistrates,…

1 week ago

Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline Museums

The Palazzo dei Conservatori, headquarters of the magistrature of the same name for hundreds of years, has, since the end…

1 week ago

Capitoline Picture Gallery, Palazzo dei Conservatori

The second floor of the Palazzo dei Conservatori houses an important collection of paintings, which also includes many works of…

1 week ago

Galleria Cini, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline Museums

In the Cini Gallery there is the precious collection of porcelain donated to the Capitoline Museums by Count Francesco Cini…

1 week ago

19th century Breton painting, Quimper Fine Arts Museum

Breton-inspired painting, famous since their creation in the 19th century, make up this collection. One of a kind , and…

1 week ago