Sichuan Ethnic Collection, Sichuan MuseumSichuan Ethnic Collection, Sichuan Museum

Sichuan Ethnic Collection, Sichuan Museum

The Sichuan Museum has more than 7,000 ethnic cultural relics, and the ethnic cultural relics on display are selected, including…

3 weeks ago

Tibetan Buddhist Collection, Sichuan Museum

Tibetan Buddhism was born in India in the 7th century after India and China’s Han Dynasty were introduced into Tibet.…

3 weeks ago

Art and craft collection, Sichuan Museum

Among the magnificent and magnificent art treasures of Chinese crafts, jade, gold and silver, bamboo and wood horns, lacquer ware,…

3 weeks ago

Pushkin Memorial Apartment in Arbat Street, State A.S.Pushkin Museum Town

The memorial apartment of Aleksandr Pushkin on Arbat is a branch of the State Museum of Alexander Pushkin located in…

3 weeks ago

House-museum of V.L. Pushkin, State A.S.Pushkin Museum Town

The house of Pelageya Vasilievna Katcher (Museum of Vasily Pushkin) is a wooden mansion built in 1819 in the style…

3 weeks ago

Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely, State A.S.Pushkin Museum Town

Museum-apartment of Andrei Bely - a memorial apartment dedicated to the life and work of writer Boris Bugaev, known under…

3 weeks ago

Mitsuhiro Unno Print Memorial Hall, Shimada City Museum

In 1993 (Heisei 5), Shimada City Museum in Shizuoka Prefecture, Shimada City Museum held “Mitsuhiro Unno Woodcut Exhibition”, and all…

3 weeks ago

Art of Television Costume Design, FIDM Museum & Galleries

The 10th Art of Television Costume Design celebrates outstanding TV costuming from 2015 and 2016 in a variety of genres,…

3 weeks ago

Manmode: Dressing the Male Ego, FIDM Museum & Galleries

ManMode: Dressing the Male Ego, display in the History Gallery of the FIDM Museum, Los Angeles. “Clothes make the man.…

3 weeks ago

Vismara Collection, Milan Modern Art Gallery

This collection – a small treasure of around forty works – was donated to the Municipality of Milan in 1975,…

3 weeks ago