Category Archives: Theme

Pompei@Madre. Archaeological Matter: The Collections, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

Originally posted 2020-01-02 04:08:46. The exhibition “Pompei@Madre. Materia Archeologica: Le Collezioni”, organized by the Madre museum in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, explores the potential multiple relationships between archaeological heritage and modern and contemporary artistic research, creating a dialogue between extraordinary but rarely displayed material from Pompeii and…

Per_forming a collection. An Art Archive of Campania, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

Originally posted 2020-01-02 03:35:12. Per_formare una collezione (“Per_forming a collection”) is the project (2013-in progress) devoted by the Madre to the gradual formation of its permanent collection, meant as a “per_formative” organism that explores in real time the identity and the functions of the museum. From 2016 Per un archivio…