Categories: LifestylePeople

Stéphane Carricondo 9eme Concept

Stéphane Carricondo studied graphic arts before founding 9e Concept, a collective, with Jerk 45 and Ned. He lives and works in Montreuil, outside Paris. Succinctly put, he is a chatterbox. He makes his paintings talk a language that words do not convey. The faces and portraits he paints are streaked with closed lines mapping out a territory within. People are the very essence of his work.

He finds human beings, and everything they can create and teach him, fascinating. He paints others as he feels them, and invariably tries to encapsulate what lies inside.

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He paints others as he feels them, and invariably tries to encapsulate what lies inside. Historical and political events also populate his work. That’s where they start (which ties in with the human side of his work: events shape us and say something about where we come from). Every line, it seems, is a frontier leading to another land waiting to be explored, another stage in life.
