
History of Portuguese romanesque architectureHistory of Portuguese romanesque architecture

History of Portuguese romanesque architecture

The Romanesque style of architecture was introduced in Portugal between the end of the 11th and the beginning of the…

1 month ago

Portuguese colonial architecture

Portuguese colonial architecture refers to the various styles of architecture that the Portuguese built across the Portuguese Empire. Portuguese colonial…

1 month ago

Pont Street Dutch

Pont Street Dutch is a term coined by Osbert Lancaster to describe an architectural style typified by the large red…

1 month ago

Ponce Creole

Ponce Creole is an architectural style created in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in the late 19th and early 20th century. This…

1 month ago

Pombaline style

The Pombaline style was a Portuguese architectural style of the 18th century, named after Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo,…

1 month ago


Plateresque, meaning "in the manner of a silversmith" (plata being silver in Spanish), was an artistic movement, especially architectural, developed…

1 month ago

Plantagenet style

Plantagenet style is an architectural building design of churches and cathedrals during the 12th century, characterized by cross-ribbed vaults and…

1 month ago


Pierrotage is a half-timbered timber framing technique in which stone infill is used between posts. It was used in France…

1 month ago

Phallic architecture

Phallic architecture consciously or unconsciously creates a symbolic representation of the phallus. Buildings intentionally or unintentionally resembling the human penis…

1 month ago

Paulista School

The Paulista School (Escola Paulista, São Paulo School) was an informal group of Brazilian architects who formed in the 1950s.…

1 month ago