Passive solar building designPassive solar building design

Passive solar building design

In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, reflect, and distribute solar energy in…

4 weeks ago

Sustainable landscaping

Sustainable landscaping encompasses a variety of practices that have developed in response to environmental issues. These practices are used in…

4 weeks ago

Sustainable design

Sustainable design (also called environmentally sustainable design, environmentally conscious design, etc.) is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built…

4 weeks ago

Green building

Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to both a structure and the application of processes…

4 weeks ago

Zero-energy building

A zero-energy building, also known as a zero net energy (ZNE) building, net-zero energy building (NZEB), net zero building or…

4 weeks ago

Low-energy house

A low-energy house is any type of house that from design, technologies and building products uses less energy, from any…

4 weeks ago

Building-integrated photovoltaics

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are photovoltaic materials that are used to replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope…

4 weeks ago

Solar tree

A solar tree is a structure incorporating solar energy technology on a single pillar, like a tree trunk. It may…

4 weeks ago

Energy efficiency

Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide…

4 weeks ago

Pop-culture tourism

Pop-culture tourism is the act of traveling to locations featured in popular literature, film, music, or any other form of…

4 weeks ago