Urbino RenaissanceUrbino Renaissance

Urbino Renaissance

The Renaissance in Urbino was one of the fundamental declensions of the early Italian Renaissance. During the rule of Federico…

1 month ago

Rimini Renaissance

The Renaissance in Rimini had a short but intense season that coincided with the lordship of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, from…

1 month ago

Renaissance in Cesena

The Renaissance in Cesena was made to coincide with the seigniory of the Malatesta brothers: from 1378, the following year…

1 month ago

Parmesan Renaissance

The Renaissance in Parma was one of the main declinations of Renaissance art in Italy. Late compared to other centers,…

1 month ago

Romagna Renaissance

In Romagna the arrival of the Renaissance produced some important artistic declinations in the Italian panorama. The most important center…

1 month ago

Ferrara Renaissance

The Renaissance in Ferrara took off from the lordship of Lionello d'Este (1441 - 1450) and produced some of the…

1 month ago

Emilian Renaissance

The Emilian or Poan Renaissance concerns multiple realities in a dense network of exchanges with all the surrounding areas. In…

1 month ago

Mantuan Renaissance

The Renaissance in Mantua took off from the mid- fifteenth century, depending entirely on the Gonzaga dynasty, which made the…

1 month ago

Paduan Renaissance

The Renaissance in Padua had a beginning that was unanimously made to coincide with the arrival of the Florentine sculptor…

1 month ago

Venetian Renaissance

The Venetian Renaissance was one of the fundamental declensions of the Italian Renaissance. The Renaissance art arrived in Veneto through…

1 month ago