Category Archives: Contemporary art

Pompei@Madre. Archaeological Matter: The Collections, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

Originally posted 2020-01-02 04:08:46. The exhibition “Pompei@Madre. Materia Archeologica: Le Collezioni”, organized by the Madre museum in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, explores the potential multiple relationships between archaeological heritage and modern and contemporary artistic research, creating a dialogue between extraordinary but rarely displayed material from Pompeii and…

Per_forming a collection. An Art Archive of Campania, Madre – Donnaregina Contemporary Art Museum

Originally posted 2020-01-02 03:35:12. Per_formare una collezione (“Per_forming a collection”) is the project (2013-in progress) devoted by the Madre to the gradual formation of its permanent collection, meant as a “per_formative” organism that explores in real time the identity and the functions of the museum. From 2016 Per un archivio…

Do you Work or Design? New Visual Communication 1980-2003, Design Museum of Barcelona

Originally posted 2019-12-27 09:40:31. The Museu del Disseny de Barcelona is presenting an exhibition from 9 June entitled”Do you work or design? A new collection from the Museu del Disseny, Barcelona’s new cultural heritage New visual communication. 1980-2003″. A panoramic exhibition: from the graphic design «boom» to audiovisual graphics. Curated…

Shifting Grounds, Siapa Nama Kamu? Art in Singapore since the 19th Century, National Gallery Singapore

Originally posted 2019-12-06 19:39:43. Shifting Grounds takes a historical overview of the significant shifts in art practice in Singapore from the 1970s to 2000s. Alternative art practices exploded onto the Singapore art scene in the second half of the 1980s to counter the dominant systems of art at the time.…

New Languages, Siapa Nama Kamu? Art in Singapore since the 19th Century, National Gallery Singapore

Originally posted 2019-12-06 19:30:01. The exhibition “Siapa Nama Kamu?” opens with a meticulous exploration of those Western artistic influences that first informed Singapore’s contemporary art scene; gradually, through its graceful exposition of Singapore’s historical, social and artistic transformations, the show ultimately reveals the country’s subtle growth towards a unique aesthetic…

Redefining Art, Between Declarations and Dreams, Art of Southeast Asia since the 19th Century, National Gallery Singapore

Originally posted 2019-12-05 03:59:51. Re:Defining Art (post 1970s). Artists in this period became more concerned with political and cultural issues, not just the form or appearance of an artwork. Using a wider range of approaches and materials, they experimented with other genres such as installation, video, photography and performance. Re:Defining…

Portuguese art, Reasons and Emotions, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Portugal

Originally posted 2019-11-30 22:31:36. The collection of the exhibition “Portuguese art, Reasons and Emotions”, covers much of its temporal arc, from the mid-nineteenth century to the 1980s occupying all the galleries of the Museum, from the Serpa Pinto Wing. It begins with portraiture, an eighteenth-century theme rarely addressed in generational…