Islamic art

Egypt & Syria, Museum of Islamic Art, DohaEgypt & Syria, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

Egypt & Syria, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

Islamic Art in Egypt & Syria 12-15 century. After the Fatimid dynasty, which reigned in Egypt from 909 and 1171…

1 month ago

Iran & Central Aisa 12-14 century, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

12th–14th centuries is the first Islamic golden age, mostly from Syria and Iraq. Influence from Byzantine visual vocabulary (blue and…

1 month ago

Early Islamic art 7-12 century, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

The period of a rapid expansion of the Islamic era forms a reasonably accurate beginning for theof Islamic…

1 month ago

Qatar Science, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

Islamic scientific achievements encompassed a wide range of subject areas, especially astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Other subjects of scientific inquiry…

1 month ago

Qatar pattern, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

Islamic decoration, which tends to avoid using figurative images, makes frequent use of geometric patterns which have developed over the…

1 month ago

Qatar Calligraphy, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha

The collection has over 800 manuscripts from Qur’ans from the 7th century to Ottoman works of the 19th century. As…

1 month ago

The Arts of the Book and Calligraphy Collection, Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Sakıp Sabancı’s collection of calligraphic works by famous calligraphers, Korans and illuminated manuscripts began with the purchase of a levha…

1 month ago

Department of Islamic Arts, Louvre Museum, Paris, France

The Islamic arts department of the Louvre, formed in August 2003, brings together collections covering the entire Islamic world (geographical…

2 years ago

Islamic art gallery, Oriental Art Museum in Turin

The fourth floor with the strictly green room dedicated to Islamic art. The environment, characterized by the trussed ceiling of…

4 years ago

Near East, Mediterranean and Islamic ceramics Collection, International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza

For the "ancient near east" or "fertile crescent" the section, with an exemplary choice of considerable historical value, documents the…

4 years ago