Category Archives: Religion

Pasquino, Talking statues of Rome, Social Networks in Middle Age, Italian Youth Committee UNESCO

Originally posted 2017-10-27 01:56:11. Pasquino in Piazza Navona, the talking statues of Rome as social networks head of their time. “If the walls could talk!”…The talking statues of Rome or the Congregation of Wits provided an outlet for a form of anonymous political expression in Rome. Criticisms in the form…

Travels of Xuanzang,Ten Thousand Miles Along the Silk Road and Indian Subcontinent, Xuanzang Memorial

Originally posted 2017-09-26 02:10:40. Xuanzang reportedly had a dream that convinced him to journey to India. He subsequently travelled across the Gobi Desert to Kumul (modern Hami City), thence following the Tian Shan westward. CHANG′AN (XI′AN) to NĀLANDĀ When Xuanzang studied Buddhist texts in China, he found that they contained…