Roofs and domes, Palais GarnierRoofs and domes, Palais Garnier

Roofs and domes, Palais Garnier

The large central dome is covered with copper, which, once oxidized, takes on a greenish color. In the past, the…

2 weeks ago

Bridal Chamber in Ducal Palace Mantova, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

The Camera degli Sposi ("bridal chamber"), sometimes known as the Camera picta ("painted chamber"), is a room frescoed with illusionistic…

2 weeks ago

Grande Apartment in Ducal Palace Mantova, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

The Grande Apartment of Castello was commissioned by Duke William I (1550-1587) as a representative environment; the decorative plant aims…

2 weeks ago

Zodiac Room in Ducal Palace Mantova, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

The Zodiac Room (Sala dello Zodiaco) was the bedroom of Guglielmo Gonzaga and one of the most interesting rooms in…

2 weeks ago

Isabella d’Este Apartment in Ducal Palace Mantova, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

Corte Vecchia regained its new prestige when in 1519 Isabella d'Este left the residence in the Castle and moved to…

2 weeks ago

Gardens of the Ducal Palace in Mantova, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

The Ducal Palace architectural complex is made up of numerous buildings connected by corridors and galleries, and enriched by internal…

2 weeks ago

Navigation of Mantula River, 360° Video, Mantova Urban Museum

The Rio Mantovano is an artificial canal constructed in the Middle Ages to balance out the uneven water levels of…

2 weeks ago

Rei Kawakubo: Japanese design redefine beauty, 360° Video, Kyoto Costume Institute

Explore in 360 VR how the key tenets of Japanese culture and in particular how Rei Kawakubo, under her label…

2 weeks ago

Stiletto Heel: Equilibrium in art and fashion, 360° Video, Salvatore Ferragamo Museum

How did the stiletto become the height of fashion? Hear the “uplifting” journey to success of fashionable innovator Salvatore Ferragamo…

2 weeks ago

Vivienne Westwood: corset that blends fashion and fine art, 360° Video, Victoria and Albert Museum

The shape of fashion, See the corset that blends fashion and fine art. Once a piece of underwear, see how…

2 weeks ago