International Biennale of Architecture in Kraków

Originally posted 2018-04-15 01:17:28.

The International Biennale of Architecture in Kraków (Polish: Międzynarodowe Biennale Architektury w Krakowie – MBA) is a regular event organised in Kraków since 1985. Each edition consists of architectural competitions and a diversity of accompanying events like exhibitions, presentations and lectures.

The 1st edition of Biennale of Architecture in Kraków was organised in 1985 by a group of Polish architects gathered in The Association of Polish Architects (Polish: Stowarzyszenie Architektów Polskich – SARP) on the initiative of Romuald Loegler. Biennale increased its importance along with the democratic transition in Poland in 1989. In the 90’s Biennale became a unique forum for exchanging ideas and individual experience among the architects from all over the world. In 1994, the Biennale celebrated the astronomer, Copernicus.

During the editions of The International Biennale of Architecture in Kraków, the projects were evaluated by Wojciech Leśnikowski, Pekka Salminen, Julia Bolles and Peter Wilson, Francesco Purini, Eckhard Feddersen, Günter Schlusche, Hildebrand Machleidt, Armando dal Fabbro, Peter Cook, Roger Hopkinson and many others. The exhibitions and seminars used to be visited by guests of honour as Frei Otto, Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Zvi Hecker, David Mackay, Dietmar Eberle.

Economic and organizational constraints eventually made it impossible to go on with the originally established Biennale formula, so it was effectively replaced by a Triennale (Polish: Międzynarodowe Triennale Architektury – MTA). Biennale as a name had been re-established in 2014.

In 2015, the Biennale celebrated its jubilee year, exploring the theme of “the human dimension of urban spaces.”
List of edits

Date The name of the edition Edit password Theme of the competition Grand Prix
12-14 ឴ ឵ .12.1985 And BA New architecture in a traditional environment.Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, seminar Development and creative rehabilitation of a degraded fragment of the city center of Krakow – the Old Gasworks in Kazimierz. W. Obtułowicz, K. Wojtaszek, A. Pięta B. Patraszewska, J. Bruzda from Krakow for a residential building at ul.Piłsudski Legions in Krakow
8-10.10.1987 II MBA Transformability of urban spaces. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, seminar Architectural shape of the surroundings of the Norbertine Monastery in Krakow Team from Lodz: W. Adamiak, Z. Binczyk, M. Janiak, W. Saloni-Marczewski
12-14.10.1989 III MBA A house in the middle of the city – a house as a city center. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, seminar Architectural project for three Krakow locations: 1. Wiosny Ludów Square in the Old Town area;2. string of ul. Lubicz in the development zone of the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries in the area of ​​Śródmieście, 3rd square in the newly designed residential and service complex Dębniki-Zakrzówek on the outskirts of the downtown zone Shane O’Toole from Ireland For the work “Symbol of Dublin – Nelson Column”
10-12.10.1991 IV MBA City park – a place, meetings of culture and nature. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, seminar Program-spatial, urban and architectural concept for the transformation of the Solvay Plant sites in Krakow Team from the Netherlands RM van Duivenbode, D. Anyika and R. Heijne
22-24.10.1993 V MBA Project – realization – test of time. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, video Formation of three squares in Krakow:

1. Biskupi Square, 2. All Saints Square, Ghetto Heroes Square

Nonchi HwafongWang, USA for the design of the planetarium building in the city of Copernicus in Plac Wszystkich Świętych
18-20.10.1996 VI MBA Market in Krakow, Krakow in Europe.Contest in the categories: confrontations Determining the forms of use and development of the Main Market Square in Krakow, corresponding to the new needs of the city A. Dal Fabbro, F. Caberletti, M. Iori, M. Montessori, G. Rakowitz from Italy
9-11.10.1998 VII MBA Waterfront Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition 1. Boulevard Czerwiński, Boulevard Poleski, 2. Boulevard, Podolski, outlet of the designed relief channel B. Goczoł, W. Goczoł from Zabrze for the project concerning the outlet of the designed relief channel
6-8.10.2000 VIII MBA Open spaces in the 21st century city under the slogan BEAUTY-ETHICS-ECOLOGY. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition. The surroundings of Krakow’s Błonia Piotr Frączek, Zygmunt Wiazewski, Krzysztof Wużyk, Paweł Zielinski, Piotr Jędrychowski, Klaudia Sobocińska, Filip Suchoń, Krzysztof Wiążewski, Paweł Wilk, Katarzyna Kramarz – Krakow
11-13.10.2002 IX MBA Less ideology – more geometry in space for living in a city. Competition in the categories: confrontations, exhibition, photo competition Nowa Huta Dorota Palmączyńska, Jakub Rozmuski, Sebastian Bieganowski – Wrocław
15-16.10.2004 X MBA Architecture. Art of the Future. Competition in the categories: confrontations (place of art in the city); exhibition (place of art in the city);photo contest (art in the city) Museum of Tadeusz Kantor at Plac Szczepański in Krakow. The bridge-art gallery on the Vistula River in Krakow between Mostowa St. and Krakowskie Katarzyna Charciarek, Marcin Charciarek – Krakow
17-19.04.2009 XI MTA Dimension of architecture Main competition: 50 skyscrapers for the historic city of Krakow Young competition: for the concept of a rapid agglomeration rail stop in Krakow Student competition: for the concept of the tower at Mogilskie Roundabout Kajetan Tarnowski – Krakow
06/21/2013 XII MTA Social and developmental functions of architecture – shaping urban planning of cities.From free usable spaces to revitalization through culture. Music architecture – objects for music. Conference “What’s next with the Music Center?”
15-16.10.2015 MBA Krakow 2015 The human dimension of urban spaces The MBA Krakow 2015 competition took place in three competitions whose main theme and theme was “The Human Dimension of Urban Spaces”:

A. competition of completed projects

B. conceptual design competition

C. competition – seminar

In addition, out of 3 winning works, the Grand Prix MBA Krakow 2015 Award was also granted

A. Közti Zrt – Tima Studio – “Kossuth tér reconstruction Budapest”

B. Serena Barone, Martina Ciampi – “Decumano Maximus”

C. Przemysław Chimczak, Tomasz Bojęć (BLOCKBLOG) – “FRIENDLY TOWN CITIES. A combination of spatial analysis”

Grand Prix MBA Krakow 2015:

Serena Barone, Martina Ciampi – “Decumano Maximus”

Source From Wikipedia