Literature of Bahrain

The literature of Bahrain has a strong tradition in the country. Most traditional writers and poets write in the classical Arabic style, contemporary poets that write in this style include Ali al-Sharqawi, Qassim Haddad, Ebrahim Al-Arrayedh, and Ahmad Muhammed Al Khalifa. In recent years, the number of younger poets influenced by western literature are rising, most writing in free verse or prose poetry, and often including political or personal content. Almost all publications of poetry in the country are in Arabic, with poetry rarely published in English without requiring prior translation.

Literature in Bahrain is part of a Gulf climate, which may vary in form and content, but it is subject to a clear regional influence, but the Bahraini characteristics are from an ancient civilization link since the Dilmun, Tels, Abandon, Awal, and other civilizations that were related to the Babylonian civilization, along with the fact that Bahrain An island and a harbor with many nationalities and cultures, which made this literature shape in a diverse environment, and made it open to various art forms, while accepting the new.