Architectural style stubs

Guerrilla architectureGuerrilla architecture

Guerrilla architecture

Guerrilla architecture is the hacking of existing buildings, often old, disused or distressed, adapted to a new function. Guerrilla architecture…

1 month ago

Goût grec

Greek taste(French: Goût grec) is the term applied to the earliest expression of the neoclassical style in France, it refers…

1 month ago

Giyōfū architecture

Mimicked Western-style architecture (Japanese: 擬洋風建築) was a style of Japanese architecture which outwardly resembled Western-style construction but relied on traditional…

1 month ago

Frederician Rococo

Frederician Rococo is a form of rococo, which developed in Prussia during the reign of Frederick the Great and combined…

1 month ago

Dresden school

The Dresden school was a baroque Neo-Renaissance architectural style developed in Dresden, Germany, primarily by Gottfried Semper and Hermann Nicolai.…

1 month ago

Directoire style

Directoire style describes a period in the decorative arts, fashion, and especially furniture design, concurrent with the post-Revolution French Directory…

1 month ago

Chilotan architecture

Chilotan architecture is a unique architectural style that is mainly restricted to the Chiloé Archipelago and neighboring areas of southern…

1 month ago

Carolingian architecture

Carolingian architecture is the style of north European Pre-Romanesque architecture belonging to the period of the Carolingian Renaissance of the…

1 month ago

New Hague School architecture style

The Nieuwe Haagse School (literally New Hague School) is a Dutch architectural style dating from the period between the two…

1 month ago

Neo-Tiwanakan architecture

The Neo-Tiwanakan or Pseudo-Tiwanakan architecture is a style developed by the architect Emilio Villanueva Peñaranda between the years 1930 and…

1 month ago

Truth to materials

Truth to materials is a tenet of modern architecture (as opposed to postmodern architecture), which holds that any material should…

1 month ago

Conceptual architecture

Conceptual architecture is a form of architecture that utilizes conceptualism, characterized by an introduction of ideas or concepts from outside…

1 month ago


A skyspace is an architectural design in which a room, which is painted in a neutral color has a large…

1 month ago

Ukrainian Baroque

Ukrainian Baroque or Cossack Baroque or Mazepa baroque is an architectural style that emerged in Ukraine during the Hetmanate era,…

1 month ago

Petrine Baroque

Petrine Baroque (Rus. Петровское барокко) is a name applied by art historians to a style of Baroque architecture and decoration…

1 month ago