Meyzieu, Lyon metropolis, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Originally posted 2020-08-14 09:03:03.

Meyzieu is a French commune located in the north-eastern part of the metropolis of Lyon, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. With an industrial area of 210 hectares and the realization of many housing programs, the town is experiencing demographic and economic development accompanied in particular by the construction of many public facilities. Meyzieu is now establishing itself as a central pole of eastern Lyon. With a booming industrial area of 210 hectares and the completion of many housing programs, the town is experiencing unprecedented demographic and economic development, which is reflected in particular by the completion of many major development projects.

Meyzieu’s pleasant living environment, conducive to a fulfilling family life and its many leisure activities of course! With to the north-ouet of the city the Grand Large, a 160 hectare body of water very popular with sailing enthusiasts, fishermen and sportsmen, and the aquatic center “Les Vagues”, an exceptional facility offering various aquatic activities (including scuba diving), the town has obvious attractions. Meyzieu also lives throughout the year to the rhythm of cultural and sporting events that animate the town.

Meyzieu benefits from an ideal geographical location.About 10 km from Lyon, in the eastern suburbs, Meyzieu is located in eastern Lyon, at the crossroads of the departments of Rhône, Isère and Ain, the town is accessible by many modes of transport, including the T3 tramway and the Rhônexpress line which connects the Lyon-Part-Dieu station to the Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport via Meyzieu fromaugust 2010.

Meyzieu long remains a humble village and it was not until the middle of the x20th century that the city stands out as the door northeast of Lyon.

At the source of the village: a castle
The origin of Meyzieu goes back to the village of Bardieu located in the country of Velin, around a beneficent Celtic spring and pretext of Gallo-Roman and medieval settlements. In the xi th century, one of the first feudal lords stands a castle on a mound near Bardieu and asked the lords of Chandieu to ensure their protection. The inhabitants therefore settle at the foot of this building, which provides them with refuge, and a parish church is built. It is then a new village which is formed and which corresponds to the foundations of Meyzieu today.

In the 11th century, one of the first feudal lords built a castle on a motte near Bardieu and asked the lords of Chandieu to ensure its protection. The inhabitants therefore settle at the foot of this building, which provides them with refuge, and a parish church is built. It is then a new village which is formed and which corresponds to the foundations of Meyzieu today.

The stronghold is a possession of the Count of Savoy Amedee V. It passes at the end of the peace signed in the church of Villard-Benoît, theJune 10, 1314, to the Dauphin John II of Viennese.

In the 14th century, the village and the castle of Meyzieu enter the kingdom of France after the acquisition of the Dauphine in 1349 and the Treaty of Paris in 1355. From 1374, the village is subservient successively to new lords. Among them, Pierre de Tardes, squire of Louis XII, welcomes François I home in 1536. Henry II also stays Meyzieu in 1548. Many owners then succeeded each other through inheritance or sales.

Meyzieu in the 18th century: an agricultural village which became the capital of the canton
In the 18th century, Meyzieu was a rural village, where “buckwheat” (that is to say buckwheat), oats, rye, hemp for cordage were cultivated, and where mulberry plant for silkworms. The last lord of Meyzieu, Louis de Leusse is also illustrated with the cultivation of potatoes in the Mathiolan district, well before the initiatives of Parmentier. But after July 14, 1789, the “Great Fear” broke out in Dauphiné. The castle of Pusignan burned down on July 28 and looters began to sack that of Meyzieu before being put to flight.

In 1790, Vincent Quinon became the first mayor of Meyzieu. He set up his rented town hall, at the corner of rue Louis Saulnier and rue de la République. It was at the cure that he then held his municipal meetings. Meyzieu thus becomes a commune of the department of Isère and capital of the canton. A town hall representative of its administrative promotion was then built on the current Place du Général de Gaulle.

In 1793, the owner of the castle at the time, the Marquis de Leusse, was guillotined in Lyon despite his philanthropic initiatives in the town. The castle is then sold in national property. Several buyers succeeded one another, including the Vachon brothers, before Madame la Marquise Le Clerc de la Verpillère inherited the estate.

The industrial Revolution
At the end of the 18th century, the city opened up to trade relations thanks to the construction of the first Morand Bridge, which opened up the road to relations with the city of silk.

The development of the town continued in the 19th century, thanks to the railway inaugurated in 1881, the construction of the Jonage canal in 1895, then the tram in 1910. In 1893, the Fort de Meyzieu was built on the site of the Bardieu spring. However, until the years 1920/1930, the dominant activity of the town remained agricultural, before the east of Lyon industrialized with chemicals in particular.

The castle, which had become a retirement home, saw its last tower collapse on February 27, 1950, on a very windy day. Due to the many transformations carried out over the centuries, it is unrecognizable today.

The demographic boom and the attachment to the Rhône department
Until 1950, the Majolane population hovered around 2,200 inhabitants before taking off in the 1960s and 1970s. Large urban complexes such as Les Plantées were then built in the town to accommodate returnees from North Africa.

The relocation of industries from Lyon in search of space serves as a driving force for accelerated urbanization and the landscape is organized around large business areas. But unlike cities like Bron or Vaulx-en-Velin, demographic expansion is reflected more in Meyzieu by the development of individual than collective housing.

The Lyon conurbation, straddling three departments (Isère, Rhône and Loire), is becoming difficult to manage. On several occasions, cantons bordering the Rhône are therefore attached to the Rhône department.

This is the case of Meyzieu on December 29, 1967. In 1969, the city became a member of the urban community of Lyon (Lyon Metropolis since January 1, 2015).

With the explosion of suburban housing, Meyzieu then attracted new social layers, in search of a more convivial way of life, and went from 19,505 inhabitants in 1975 to 29,097 in 2006 and then to 32,225 inhabitants in 2016.

Meyzieu the 21th century
The city is now establishing itself as an important pole of the Lyon conurbation. Due to its demographic and economic development, many public facilities are emerging to meet the demand of new residents. Indecember 2006, the arrival of the T3 tram contributes to the development of the city by providing direct access to La Part-Dieu station in 22 minutes. Inaugust 2010, this development continues with the commissioning of the Rhônexpress tramway, which links the city to Saint-Exupéry airport in less than 15 minutes.

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Finally, on the leisure side, the city has the Grand Large, a vast 150 hectare spillway of the Jonage canal, and the Les Vagues aquatic center.

Greater Lyon disappears on 1st January 2015, and leaves room for the local authority of the metropolis of Lyon. The town thus leaves the Rhône department.

Historical heritage
Grand-Large reservoir, which constitutes a considerable asset for the environment and the quality of life.
Fort de Meyzieu, surrounded by a park
St. Sebastian Church
Former chapel of the feudal castle

Cultural space
Meyzieu offers a rich and varied cultural offer for all audiences:

with the annual cultural season, eclectic and quality shows take place at L’Espace Jean Poperen, a spacious and comfortable room that can accommodate up to 1,200 spectators;
the media library, a majolan cultural center par excellence, offers programming for all audiences and young people;
the conservatory of music and dramatic art of Meyzieu offers throughout the year many quality concerts open to all, especially on the occasion of the music festival and Musical Spring which gives rise for a week to several concerts, professionals or students;
the “Ciné Meyzieu” cinema allows you to enjoy the latest films and art house cinema in three comfortable and well-equipped rooms.

Jean Poperen Space
Created in 1989, the Espace Jean Poperen (EJP) hosts the shows of the cultural season and the activities of the city, but also numerous events of associations (shows, exhibitions, dancing…). Cutting-edge and functional technical installations make it possible to offer the public performances of great sound and visual quality.

The municipal multimedia library
With more than 65,000 books available, from traditional books to CDs and DVDs, including digital books and applications for tablets, the Media Library has a large collection open to all horizons. It also organizes many workshops (multimedia, reading, youth…) and offers throughout the year a rich and varied cultural program for children and adults: music, storytelling, theater, conferences… Everything you need to put on your senses awake.

Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art
Open to all (children from 4 years old, adolescents or adults, beginners or experienced), the conservatory addresses all aesthetics. Centered on ensemble practices, different courses integrate instrument or voice, learning musical language, invention and meeting with the public. The Meyzieu municipal music and drama conservatory offers quality artistic education. One of its peculiarities is to offer many musical ensembles allowing to approach in groups very varied repertoires (classics, jazz, current musics…). The conservatory is also open to the outside and shines in the city through concerts and partnerships with different structures (schools, early childhood structures, retirement homes, Aralis homes, social centers, etc.). It is also involved beyond the territory of the municipality, through networking with neighboring music schools and through partnerships with cultural and artistic players in the region.

The party room
A space ready to host associative events, season shows for young audiences, exhibitions… The village hall is now able to accommodate 250 people for a dance evening with or without a meal (against 180 previously), 320 people for a live performance or 300 people for a lottery or a general assembly. The capacities of the storage annexes have also been extended in the direction of better functionality. The arrangements made also make it possible to reuse the balcony, to have a more suitable bar area and a renovated kitchen, to offer a better depth to the room thanks to the elimination of the false ceiling, or to take advantage of enhanced lighting and the possibility of more efficient sound installations thanks to a completely refurbished control room. The interior and exterior of the building have also undergone a comprehensive repair (walls, floors and ceiling), and a trompe-l’oeil fresco highlighting the festive life adorns the exterior wall located in the across the street.

The Simone André Association House
Opened in 2005, the Maison des associations Simone André hosts meetings of local associations. This downtown building is equipped with several offices, meeting and exhibition rooms, as well as a fully equipped conference room. With a total area of approximately 1000 m 2, the building has three levels accessible to the public by lift and stairs. Disabled people can easily access the building thanks to a ramp located on the exterior side.

Enjoy the latest films released and arthouse cinema in three comfortable rooms equipped with digital and 3D. The cinema promotes the development of arthouse cinema in the town and offers the latest films released in air-conditioned rooms, accessible to disabled people and equipped with a sound loop for the hearing impaired. Thanks to the financial support of the city, the prices are very attractive compared to other theaters in the Lyon region. The cinema is also the co-organizer of two highlights in Meyzieu, the panorama of European cinema and Festimaj, and takes part in various cinematographic events such as the Fête du cinéma.

Events and festivities
Various events are offered all year round by local cultural associations, in partnership with the City: Panorama of European cinema, Cour et Jardin festival (theater), Festimaj (school films)…
Les Oniriques, a festival of imaginary literatures organized by the media library takes place every two years, sinceMarch 2013.

Green spaces
Meyzieu has a pleasant living environment:

many green spaces are accessible to the public, including the Parc République, a 2.7 hectare relaxation area located in the heart of the city;
the Grand Large, a 160- hectare body of water located in Meyzieu, open to recreational navigation;
the large park of Miribel-Jonage, located about 10 minutes from Meyzieu, offers many activities in a preserved natural setting: hiking and mountain biking trails, beaches, golf, tennis, discovery of flora and fauna…

In 2014, the town obtained the “two flowers” level in the competition for towns and villages in bloom. The numerous green spaces maintained by the City and the actions carried out in favor of sustainable development enabled the City to obtain a second flower in the national flower towns competition, in the fall of 2009.

The Grand Large Lake
The Grand Large is a 160 hectare body of water. In a unique natural setting, it allows you to practice various leisure and relaxation activities. Thus, it very popular with sailing enthusiasts, fishermen and sportsmen. The 2.5 hectare park located on the edge of the Grand Large basin, offers a pleasant shaded and bucolic relaxation area, ideal for family picnics. Come stroll on the Herbens Promenade or practice one of the many activities offered by the municipal nautical base. The banks of the Grand Large have everything to offer: a green setting, play and relaxation areas, entertainment, animals to observe, a calm and lively body of water.

Republic park
Tree-lined paths, playground, fountain, open-air theater… The République park is a true haven of relaxation, in the heart of the city. It is divided between garden, path and wooded area left in its natural state. The République park is a 2.7 hectare relaxation area located in the heart of the city, between rue de la République, rue Jean Jaurès and rue Jean-Louis Barrault. Stroll along tree-lined paths, take your children to play in a specially designed area, listen to the gentle lapping of the fountain’s water jets, or even enjoy the green theater where various festive events are organized.

The République park is one of the 16 regional sites selected for the Urbanbees program, which aims to protect wild bees in urban areas. Thus, 3 hotels have been set up to accommodate women producers of honey. In addition, a wooden house perched between the trees has taken place in the park. Its vocation is to welcome the pigeons of the City, attracted by the seeds and the water made available. The objective of this installation is to control the procreation of these birds and to limit the nuisances for which they are responsible.

The Fort Park
Located on the heights of Meyzieu, route d’Azieu, the park of the fort is a natural and wooded area of 11.5 hectares for your walks and sports activities. It has many trails, a basketball court, a climbing wall and a fitness trail with five pieces of equipment available to walkers. A preserved green setting for strolling in the heart of nature.

The priest’s forest
A stone’s throw from the city center, discover this wooded area for a refreshing stroll in the shade of majestic trees. Adjoining the church of Saint-Sébastien, place du 11 novembre 1918, the parish priest’s wood welcomes walkers for a stroll on the heights of Meyzieu. The park surrounding the old Majolane retirement home shelters pretty paths for walks in the shade of hundred-year-old trees. On some of them, you may have the chance to observe the chickadees come to recharge their batteries on one of the many nesting boxes installed in the park.

Tags: France