Universal design

Originally posted 2018-04-16 01:04:39.

Universal design (close relation to inclusive design) refers to broad-spectrum ideas meant to produce buildings, products and environments that are inherently accessible to older people, people without disabilities, and people with disabilities.

The term “universal design” was coined by the architect Ronald Mace to describe the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life. However, it was the work of Selwyn Goldsmith, author of Designing for the Disabled (1963), who really pioneered the concept of free access for people with disabilities. His most significant achievement was the creation of the dropped curb – now a standard feature of the built environment.

Universal design emerged from slightly earlier barrier-free concepts, the broader accessibility movement, and adaptive and assistive technology and also seeks to blend aesthetics into these core considerations. As life expectancy rises and modern medicine increases the survival rate of those with significant injuries, illnesses, and birth defects, there is a growing interest in universal design. There are many industries in which universal design is having strong market penetration but there are many others in which it has not yet been adopted to any great extent. Universal design is also being applied to the design of technology, instruction, services, and other products and environments.

Curb cuts or sidewalk ramps, essential for people in wheelchairs but also used by all, are a common example. Color-contrast dishware with steep sides that assists those with visual or dexterity problems are another. There are also cabinets with pull-out shelves, kitchen counters at several heights to accommodate different tasks and postures, and, amidst many of the world’s public transit systems, low-floor buses that “kneel” (bring their front end to ground level to eliminate gap) and/or are equipped with ramps rather than on-board lifts.

Universal Design is the design process of products (devices, environments, systems and processes) that can be used by people of the widest range of different abilities in the widest possible range of situations (environments, conditions and circumstances).

Universal design

takes into account the requirements and capabilities of all users.
allows a very wide variety of people to successfully use (directly or with support technology) products.
allows the use of products in a very wide variety of situations and circumstances.
Promotes products that are flexible enough to meet the needs of both new and experienced users.
leads to products that are generally easier for users to understand and use.
Universal design

is not a product or result, but a process. This process leads to products that are useful and useful to the largest possible group of people.
is not a trend, but a lasting, future-oriented and holistic design concept.
is a “good design” that involves all people.
It is important to note that Universal Design does not mean that really anyone can use a product under any circumstances. Because there is no product that can fully meet the needs of all users. But when the needs of as many users as possible are included in the design process, products can be designed that can be used by people of the widest range of different abilities in the widest possible range of situations.

Principles of Universal Design
For Universal Design, a working group of architects, product designers, engineers and researchers around the founder of Universal Design Ronald L. Mace at the Center for Universal Design has developed seven principles that are considered guidelines. Because these principles can be used to evaluate existing product designs, to guide the design process, and to educate designers as well as consumers about the characteristics of easier-to-use products.

The principles of Universal Design include certain key elements that should be considered in the design:

Principle 1: Wide usability
The design is usable and marketable for people with different abilities.


Provide the same possibilities of use for all users: identical – as far as possible; equivalent – if this is not possible.
Avoid exclusion or stigmatization of users.
Mechanisms to maintain privacy, security and safe use must be equally available to all users; the design is appealing for all users.
Principle 2: Flexibility of Use
The design supports a wide range of individual preferences and possibilities.


Provide choices of usage methods.
Support right-handed or left-handed access and use.
Support the accuracy and precision of the user.
Provide adaptation to the speed of the user.
Principle 3: Simple and intuitive use
The use of the design is easy to understand, regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language skills or current concentration.


Avoid unnecessary complexity.
Consistently consider the expectations of users and their intuition.
Support a wide range of reading and language skills.
Identify information according to its importance.
Provide clear prompts and feedback during and during execution.
Principle 4: Sensory Perceptible Information
The design effectively provides the user with necessary information, regardless of the user’s environment or sensory capabilities.


Provide different modes for presentation of repetitive information (pictorial, linguistic, tactile).
Provide adequate contrasts between important information and its environment.
Maximize readability of important information.
Distinguish elements in the type of description (eg easy way to give instructions or instructions).
Compatibility (compatibility) with a range of techniques or devices used by people with sensory limitations.
Principle 5: Fault tolerance
The design minimizes risks and the negative consequences of accidental or unintentional actions.


Arrange the elements to minimize risks and errors: the most commonly used elements most accessible; avoid, isolate or shield risky elements.
Provide warnings about risks and errors.
Provide fault / fail-safe options.
In operations that require alertness, do not encourage unconscious actions.
Principle 6: Low physical effort
The design can be used efficiently and comfortably with a minimum of fatigue.


Allowing the maintenance of natural posture.
Demanding operating forces.
Minimizing repetitive actions.
Avoid prolonged physical strain.
Principle 7: Size and Space for Access and Use
Reasonable size and space for access, accessibility, manipulation and use regardless of the size of the user, his posture or agility.


Provide a clear view of important items for each seated or standing user.
Ensure comfortable accessibility of all components for all sitting or standing users.
Support different hand and grip sizes.
Provide sufficient space for the use of other aids or auxiliary persons.
Again, these seven principles of Universal Design can be categorized into three categories:

Principles that deal primarily with humans

Principle 3: Simple and intuitive use
Principle 4: sensory information
Principle 6: Low physical effort
Principles that relate primarily to the process

Principle 2: Flexibility in use
Principle 5: Fault tolerance
Principle 7: Size and space for access and use
Principles that transcend man and process

Principle 1: Wide usability

Goals of Universal Design
In 2012, The Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access at The University at Buffalo expanded definition of the principles of universal design to include social participation and health and wellness. Rooted in evidence based design, the 8 goals of universal design were also developed.

Body Fit
Social Integration
Cultural Appropriateness
The first four goals are oriented to human performance: anthropometry, biomechanics, perception, cognition. Wellness bridges human performance and social participation. The last three goals addresses social participation outcomes. The definition and the goals are expanded upon in the textbook “Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments.”

Conceptual demarcation
The term “universal design” is often used with other terms, such as. As “design for all” or accessibility , equated and used synonymously. But even if the terms are very similar, they differ in their basic ideas.

Design for All (Design for All)
While Universal Design has its origins in the US, the term “Design for All” comes from Europe. The origin of these two concepts is very important, because the cultural orientation of the countries of origin shapes the design.

So there is a rather homogeneous culture in the US, in the z. Accessible buildings and the availability of service offers are uniformly prescribed and implemented. In addition, the US has a strong individualistic tradition in which the individual, not the group, is at the center.
→ In the concept of universal design, therefore, one can note an emphasis on the individual rights of each individual: each individual should be empowered to have access to a building, a service or a product.
Europe, on the other hand, is a multifaceted continent with a historically evolved cultural diversity. Europe therefore stresses both the unity of all continental countries and the preservation of differences.
→ Design for All as a European strategy means, therefore, to integrate different groups of people without, however, forcing a uniformity.
This difference in the two concepts is also reflected in their guidelines : for example, the principles of universal design are uniform requirements for all products, services and environments – while the European strategies suggest a choice of several ways in which the goal can be achieved.

There is also a difference in how these two concepts are implemented. While in Europe design for all is more a social commitment, the realization and marketing of universal design is more about profit.

Universal design Design for all
USA and Japan Europe
uniformity diversity
Individual right of the individual Participation in the community
Principles of Universal Design European strategies
market orientation social commitment
Accessible design
Accessible design is a design concept that focuses on extending design standards – in the sense that people with disabilities can easily use a product, a building or a service.

The term is used above all for design that takes into account the individual abilities of a person and also includes his support technology. Products that are designed in an accessible design can therefore be used together or in addition to technical aids.

“Accessible Design” was a positive term for accessibility in the US in the 1970s, but was and still is very much bound up with government regulations. First and foremost, Accessible Design must adhere to strict minimum requirements of accessibility codes and design standards, which primarily apply to people with disabilities.

Barrier-free pursues the goal that products are accessible and usable for all people in the usual way without any particular hindrance and basically without outside help.

While this design concept is intended in the laws and regulations (exclusively) for people with disabilities , in practice there has been a shift in the concept: away from the designation of obstacle-free building design for wheelchair users – to the design of accessible, accessible and usable environments for all humans.

This means that the design of barrier-free products is increasingly modeled on the principles of universal design – and the understanding of the concept also adapts to the universal design.

In the following, the most important points of difference of the design concepts are summarized:

Accessible design Accessibility Design for all Universal design
Legal standards DIN standards social commitment market orientation
only for people with disabilities originally for people with disabilities for the entire, diverse population
minimal solutions often special solutions bigger mission, choices
no guarantee for good design Usability, aesthetics and sustainability are included as components
limited, set concept interpretable, and thus expandable concept Ideal, without a predefined end stage
Implementation is measured by compliance with the standards Implementation is measured by DIN regulations Implementation is measured by European strategies Implementation is measured by the fulfillment of the principles
reduces discrimination enables social participation embodies individual right to integration
In addition, there are different concepts of disability in the concepts: Accessibility and Accessible Design are more based on a more personal and medical view of disability. Universal design and design for all see disability as “externally done”, so that disability can affect everyone depending on the situation.

Accessible design Accessibility Design for all Universal design
individual >>>>> society

Relevance and goals
Universal design is a concept that aims to

To make the design and collaboration of environments, products, forms of communication, information technologies and services accessible and understandable for everyone.
To use products in such a way that they can be used in the most independent and natural way and as far as possible do not need to be adapted or specialized.
to reduce separate solutions and special services.
to simplify everyday life for all people.
Universal design is a concept that should be implemented and become the standard in all areas of society and everyday life. This is especially true considering that Universal Design can significantly contribute to the economic and social sustainability of environments, products and services.

Especially in the context of demographic change , the diversity of people should be perceived as potential. This potential is to be incorporated into design processes, so that living environments are created that are usable for all . Universal design is the ideal basis for this. Companies and service providers who recognize the potential and consider the principles of universal design in development and production processes can sooner or later take on an advantageous economic position. The realization of universal design in concrete design processes can therefore be profitable.

It should also be borne in mind that CVs and biographies today and in future are by no means straightforward. Rather, there is a wide range of possibilities for each individual; Not only are the people themselves different, but they also shape their lives in a very different and individual way. One and the same product can thus fulfill different functional or symbolic purposes for different people. Classical consumer classifications (age, gender, origin, educational level) thus lose importance; From now on, good design must work within different worlds of life.

Design standards
In 1960, specifications for barrier free design were published. It was a compendium of over 11 years of disability ergonomic research. In 1961, the specifications became the first Barrier Free Design standard called the American National Standard, A1171.1 was published. It was the first standard to present the criteria for designing facilities and programs for the use of disabled individuals. The research started in 1949 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and continues to this day. The principal investigator is Dr. Timothy Nugent (his name is listed in the front of the 1961, 1971, 1980 standard). In 1949 Dr. Nugent also started the National Wheelchair Basketball Association. This ANSI A117.1 standard was adopted by the US federal government General Services Administration under 35 FR 4814 – 3/20/70, 39 FR 23214 – 6/27/74, 43 FR 16478 ABA- 4/19/78, 44 FR 39393 7/6/79, 46 FR 39436 8/3/81, in 1984 for UFAS and then in 1990 for ADA. The archived research documents are at the International Code Council (ICC) – ANSI A117.1 division. Dr. Nugent made presentations around the globe in the late 50’s and 60’s presenting the concept of independent functional participation for individuals with disabilities through program options and architectural design.

Another comprehensive publication by the Royal Institute of British Architects published three editions 1963, 1967, 1976 and 1997 of Designing for the Disabled by Selwyn Goldsmith UK. These publications contain valuable empirical data and studies of individuals with disabilities. Both standards are excellent resources for the designer and builder.

Disability ergonomics should be taught to designers, engineers, non-profits executives to further the understanding of what makes an environment wholly tenable and functional for individuals with disabilities.

In October 2003, representatives from China, Japan, and South Korea met in Beijing and agreed to set up a committee to define common design standards for a wide range of products and services that are easy to understand and use. Their goal is to publish a standard in 2004 which covers, among other areas, standards on containers and wrappings of household goods (based on a proposal from experts in Japan), and standardization of signs for public facilities, a subject which was of particular interest to China as it prepared to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.

The International Organization for Standardization, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, and the International Electrotechnical Commission have developed:

CEN/CENELEC Guide 6. Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities (Identical to ISO/IEC Guide 71, but free for download)
ISO 21542: 2011 – Construction – Accessibility and Usability of the Built Environment (available in English and French)
ISO 20282-1:2006 – Ease of operation of everyday products — Part 1: Context of use and user characteristics
ISO/TS 20282-2:2013 – Usability of consumer products and products for public use—Part 2: Summative test method, published 1 August 2013.

Design for All (DfA)
The term Design for All (DfA) is used to describe a design philosophy targeting the use of products, services and systems by as many people as possible without the need for adaptation. “Design for All is design for human diversity, social inclusion and equality” (EIDD Stockholm Declaration, 2004). According to the European Commission, it “encourages manufacturers and service providers to produce new technologies for everyone: technologies that are suitable for the elderly and people with disabilities, as much as the teenage techno wizard.” The origin of Design for All lies in the field of barrier free accessibility for people with disabilities and the broader notion of universal design.

Design for All has been highlighted in Europe by the European Commission in seeking a more user-friendly society in Europe. Design for All is about ensuring that environments, products, services and interfaces work for people of all ages and abilities in different situations and under various circumstances.

Design for All has become a mainstream issue because of the aging of the population and its increasingly multi-ethnic composition. It follows a market approach and can reach out to a broader market. Easy-to-use, accessible, affordable products and services improve the quality of life of all citizens. Design for All permits access to the built environment, access to services and user-friendly products which are not just a quality factor but a necessity for many aging or disabled persons. Including Design for All early in the design process is more cost-effective than making alterations after solutions are already in the market. This is best achieved by identifying and involving users (“stakeholders”) in the decision-making processes that lead to drawing up the design brief and educating public and private sector decision-makers about the benefits to be gained from making coherent use of Design (for All) in a wide range of socio-economic situations.

The following examples of Designs for All were presented in the book Diseños para todos/Designs for All published in 2008 by Optimastudio with the support of Spain’s Ministry of Education, Social Affairs and Sports (IMSERSO) and CEAPAT:

Automatic door
Electric Toothbrush
Flexible drinking straw
Low-floor bus
Tactile paving
Trolley case (roll along suitcase)
Other useful items for those with mobility limitations:

Wireless remote controlled power sockets
Wireless remote controlled window shades
In information and communication technology (ICT)
Main article: Design for All (in ICT)
Design for All criteria are aimed at ensuring that everyone can participate in the Information society. The European Union refers to this under the terms eInclusion and eAccessibility. A three-way approach is proposed: goods which can be accessed by nearly all potential users without modification or, failing that, products being easy to adapt according to different needs, or using standardized interfaces that can be accessed simply by using assistive technology. To this end, manufacturers and service providers, especially, but not exclusively, in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), produce new technologies, products, services and applications for everyone.

European DfA organizational networks
In Europe, people have joined in networks to promote and develop Design for All:

The European Design for All eAccessibility Network (EDeAN) was launched under the lead of the European Commission and the European Member States in 2002. It fosters Design for All for eInclusion, that is, creating an information society for all. It has national contact centres (NCCs) in almost all EU countries and more than 160 network members in national networks.
EIDD – Design for All Europe is a NGO and a 100% self-financed European organization that covers the entire area of theory and practice of Design for All, from the built environment and tangible products to communication, service and system design. Originally set up in 1993 as the European Institute for Design and Disability (EIDD), to enhance the quality of life through Design for All, it changed its name in 2006 to bring it into line with its core business. EIDD – Design for All Europe disseminates the application of Design for All to business and administration communities previously unaware of its benefits and currently (2016) has 31 member organizations in 20 European countries.
EuCAN – The European Concept for Accessibility Network started in 1984 as an open network of experts and advocates from all over Europe in order to promote and support the Design for All approach. The coordination work of EuCAN and the functioning of the network are mainly voluntary work. In 1999 the Luxembourg Disability Information and Meeting Centre (better known by its acronym “Info-Handicap”) took over the coordination of the steering group, together with the implicit responsibility for the follow-up of the European Concept for Accessibility (ECA). The EuCAN publications – like ECA – aim to provide practical guidance. They are neither academic nor policy documents.

Source From Wikipedia